Peter Parker? No, Peter Stark.

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Summary: Peter gets adopted by Tony.

<3rd Person PoV>


Today was a great day for Peter. Flash and his goons were absent, Ned got a new Lego set and they are going to build it next week, and he got a 100% on his test.

His day was going to get alot better.

~Time Skip~

Peter was entering the car that took him to Stark Towers everyday. Happy looked like he was hiding something and that wasn't common. He was usually grumpy or quiet but today, he just sorta looked.. happy?..

"Uncle Happy? You look.. happy.. today, anything new happen?" Peter asked his Uncle Happy. He stayed quiet so Peter suspected it was just a good day for him. That wasn't the case tho.

Once he arrived at Stark Towers all the interns suddenly stared at him with wide smiles. Was he missing something? Was it someones birthday or..

Peter walked his way into the elevator slowly. "Friday?" Peter asked the ceiling as it was taking him to the penthouse floor. "Yes Spider-son?" Friday responded, her voice sounded cheery. "Is it someones birthday today? I think I forgot some important event." Peter started fidgeting with his hands, worried about what he had forgotten.

"No, Spider-son. You forgot nothing today." Peter sighed in relief but that didn't explain all the interns smiling at him and Happy being actually happy.

He arrived into the penthouse and it was pitch black. He couldn't see anything at all. He wondered around for a minute not thinking much of it.

Suddenly all the lights turned on and there he saw, all the avengers with party hats and presents. "Uh- did I forget someones birthday?" Peter asked unsure of what was going on.

"No Pete, you'll see soon, but open your presents." Tony motioned for his son to open his presents. Peter walked towards them with a confused expression on his face.

To make this quick, here's all the presents the avengers gave to Peter:

A Spider-Man action figure from Wanda.

A bow and arrow from Clint.

Some daggers from Natasha which Tony highly disapproved of.

A new science book from Steve and Bucky.

Test tubes and recipes of chemicals from Bruce.

A small Spider-Man hoodie from Sam.

And lastly, papers from Tony.

Peter was highly confused, what were these papers for?

He immediately started thinking the worse until someone interrupted his thoughts. "Bambi, look at the papers." Tony had a nervous smile on his face.

Peter took the papers shakily and stared wide eyed at it. He started tearing up and looked up at his soon-to-be dad. Peter threw himself at his dad and started repeatedly thanking him.

"Does this mean I can call you dad?" Peter asked still clinging onto Tony. "Of course, son."


The next day Peter woke up energized and very happy. He was a Stark now.. a Stark. He was so hyped to tell Ned about this.

Once he arrived to school he told Ned all about it. The things that happened yesterday and that Tony called him "son".

They arrived in class and his teacher started calling attendance.

"Flash Thompson?"


"Ned Leeds?"


"Michelle Jones?"


"Peter Parker?"

"No, Peter Stark, and Present."

Peter had been bombarded with questions that day and the next few months news got out, he was officially known to the world as a Stark.

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