Chapter Three

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"Alright Ruddiger, all I need you to do is go over to that cart and grab as many apples as you can hold," Varian pointed his finger to a brown cart full of apples.

Varian and Ruddiger were crouched down in a small alleyway, peering to see what the town had to offer, which wasn't much. The village was mostly quiet, with only a couple people either selling goods, or just walking the dirt roads that trailed through.

Ruddiger looked up at Varian, nodding. He quietly padding to the apple cart, sneaking around the back and grabbing three apples, one in his mouth, in his left paw, and his tail curled around the last. With a satisfied squeak he dropped each apple in front a Varian, chattering.

"Awesome, Ruddiger! Let's look for bread and other supplies," he collected the apples into a dark brown bag, pulled it over his shoulder, and continued downtown.

"Maybe we can help!" Rapunzel's voice filled the town.

"Raps, it doesn't seem like they want help," that was Cassandra.

Varian rolled his eyes as he watched the group. Cassandra was the only rational friend of Rapunzel's. Personally, Varian never wanted to hurt her, he was never angry at her. The only thing he regretted while trying free his father; was almost crushing Cassandra with the large Automaton

Varian headed back to the caravan with Ruddiger on his shoulders. Once he and the raccoon were safely in the trunk and it was securely closed, Varian opened his bag and looked inside.

"Alright, lets see what we got," he said as he poured the contents in a pile. "We got four loaves of bread, eleven apples, several oranges, and a woven blanket. You think this will be enough?" he looked at Ruddiger for reassurance.

He only chattered.

"If we run out, I'll find a way back into their supplies storage."

A couple days had passed since the village and Varian had grown bored quite quickly. Not to mention the annoying, hight pitched voice of Rapunzel every time she show something new. It was sickening whenever Rapunzel began to grow unsure and Eugene would say he would always be at her side.

"No matter what, I'll be here," Varian mouthed as Eugene had said outside the caravan. Though he couldn't see them, he could hear each word very clearly.

"I just wonder what the moonstone actually does, and why it's apart of my destiny," Rapunzel said, still sounding unsure.

Varian lifted his head, intrigued by the conversation. There's a moonstone? Like the sundrop flower?

"We can't be too sure it's safe," Cassandra said, joining the conversation. "This moonstone can hold power like the sundrop flower, for all we know it can be dangerous to go near."

"I know, but if the rocks are leading us there, then it must be important to my destiny," Rapunzel said.

A moonstone that has powers like the sundrop? Maybe this can be my way to get power and save my dad! Plus, get revenge on the one responsible my dad stayed encased in the first place.

Excited by the knowledge of untold power, Varian was now determined to have the moonstone himself.

Varian brought out two beakers from his bag and lined them on the trunk floor. He made sure that Ruddiger and himself were wearing goggles in case something went wrong. He held up a tube filled with green liquid. "Alright, once I mix these two compounds together, It should mix and make me invisible if I pour it on my skin," he then grabbed another tube with purple liquid and poured both into one of the beakers. The liquid started to mix and bubble, making some sort of bright pink. Then, the liquid started to rise, making Varian's eyes widen with surprise.

"Wait! This isn't suppose to happen he said, almost yelling. Ruddiger ran behind him as the pink liquid started to boil.

There was a loud boom and smoke filled the trunk.

Varian coughed, ears ringing. Ruddiger was was curled behind him, covering his own ears with his paws.

The smoke slowly filled the small spaced trunk, Varian coughed more as it filled his lungs, choking him. His eyes started to sting and a sharp pain formed in his chest when he inhaled.

The trunk door opened and light spilled into the space. Rapunzel was looking inside, waving away the smoke and eyes wide with surprise.

Blinding Moons //Moonstone Varian AU//Where stories live. Discover now