Turn 7: The Sooner The Better

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At night, Misaki went on to see the clothes that Aichi bought for her. She still can't believe that he just bought her a quite expensive clothe...

Shin then went to her room and saw her with a new clothes that he never seen before...

Shin: "Well, I never seen that clothes before..."

Misaki: "Yes, it's a new one..."

Shin: "Did you bought that earlier when you visited the department store with Aichi?"

Misaki: "Yes, but..."

Shin: "Hm?"

Misaki: "He bought it for me..."

Shin: "Really?! Wow, that's nice of him."

Misaki: "This is quite expensive as well. I feel bad for him having to waste the money on buying this for me."

Shin: "Eh, you can't really say that. If he's sincere, then that's good."

Misaki: "I went to look at this clothe, and tested it out. Then, I asked him if the clothes looks good on me."

Shin: "Then, what did he said?"

Misaki: "He said yes, but what he said afterwards really surprised me."

Shin: "Hm?"

Misaki: "He said that I look beautiful in this clothe. I never really expected someone to say that, especially him."

Shin: "Wow, he's getting more and more manly it seems."

Misaki: "Oh, speaking of manly... Akari was there as well. She said the same thing."

Shin: "I see, well... if you remembered the first time we met him, he's not a strong kid and the rude way will be that he's a little bit girly."

Misaki: "Well, you're not wrong. I still remembered it vividly."

Shin: "But then, with Vanguard and as time goes on... he has changed and he has mature as well."

Misaki: "I think that's why..."

Shin: "Hm?"

Misaki: "Seeing him change from the weak side to the strong side like now, is what makes me has this feelings for him right now."

Shin: "I see..."

Misaki: "But even if he changed, there's something that hasn't change."

Shin: "And that is?"

Misaki: "His kindness and honesty... that never change. He's always that kind hearted and honest person."

Shin: "Haha of course... that's why I said he's the probably the best person I ever met other than your parents."

Misaki: "But... him buying this clothes for me... makes it even harder for me when he leaves Japan later..."

Shin: "Misaki..."

Misaki: "I don't know what to do really... I never had this kind of feelings before."

Shin: "Can I give you some advice?"

Misaki: "Hm?"

Shin: "I think you should tell him about your feelings as soon as possible."

Misaki: "Eh?"

Shin: "You see, he only has one month left and he invited you on a dinner a day before he left. I don't think you should tell him a day before he left. But make sure to tell him as soon as possible..."

Vanguard After Legion MateHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin