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Y/N worked as an animatronic caretaker at the Mega Pizzaplex. She was relatively new. She had only worked the job for 2 days and it was already horrible. It wouldn't be horrible if she was taking care of Freddy. Or Chica. Or even Roxy. But no. She had to work with the most aggressive and stubborn of the 4 animatronics. 

Today, kids had decided it was a fantastic idea to throw pizza at Monty after he yelled at them for messing something up in his golf course. And now, Y/N had to deal with Monty being even more pissed off than normal. 

Y/N opened Monty's room with her security card. Monty was sitting on his green couch, sulking. He slowly tuned and strummed his base guitar. When Y/N opened his door, he looked up and scoffed at her. 

"What do you want?" he said, his voice laced with poison. 

"Did you forget," Y/N started. "Or are you just stupid." She knew it wasn't smart to piss him off more, but she couldn't help it. "I'm your caretaker." 

He seemed startled at first, but his expression soon turned to anger. "Get. Out." He said. 

Y/N ignored him and took out her cleaning tools. 

"I said get OUT!" Monty shouted. He stood and pressed his chest against Y/N's back. But instead of intimidating Y/N he made her blush. 

"Sit down, Monty." Y/N said. Still unpacking her tools. He stayed, unmoving behind her. She turned and pushed his chest until he stumbled back onto the couch. Y/N walked back and got a wet wipe. She turned back to him. He watched her approach him with the wet wipe in hand, narrowing his eyes at her. She reached for his face. He gripped her wrist quickly. They stared at one another for a while, both silently glaring. 

"Monty." Y/N warned. He slowly let go of her hand. Y/N began wiping the grease and pizza toppings off of Monty's face. He stared at her as she cleaned his face. 

After Y/N was satisfied with her work on Monty's face, she moved to his chest. His chest was covered with pizza sauce, toping and grease. Monty leaned back to give Y/N a better angle.

As Y/N wiped Monty's chest she lightly blushed. Monty of course, noticed the light dust of pink on Y/N's cheeks as she worked. He chuckled when her hand shook as she cleaned his lowest ab area. She hesitated.  

"Are you going to continue or," he lowered his voice smirking at Y/N. "Will I have to help you?" 

Now Y/N cheeks were bright red as Monty gripped her wrist and guided her hand lower and lower, until her hand brushed his belt. 

Y/N snatched her hand back and scowled at Monty. Monty, of course, only chuckled. Y/N continued to wipe away the pizza and filth on Monty's arms. Monty couldn't help but notice that every time he looked at her, she was blushing in one shade or another. They both stayed silent for a while, Monty enjoying himself while Y/N continued to scowl. 

When it came time for Y/N to wipe Monty's legs she hesitated. 

"Hey," Monty said, looking down his snout at her. "Are you my caretaker or not. Get cleaning."

Y/N hated being talked down to by anyone so it took all her might not to slap him and tell him to clean the rest of it himself. But she didn't. She wanted to tease him. Only a little. 

Y/N knelt on her knees. She started with his shin on his left side, then slowly swept the wet wipe up and around his knee. She then held his leg in place with her left arm while slowly going up his inner thigh with the wet wipe in her right hand. 

He tensed. She held back a giggle. 

"Not so tough now huh?" she smirked. She looked up at him. Monty no longer was looking down his snout at her but had taken off his shades to see her better. His crimson eyes piercing into her's. 

Y/N then did the same on his right leg then quickly got up and put away her tools. As she was in the middle of throwing the wet wipe into the trash, Monty came up behind her. He pressed himself against Y/N, pinning her to the desk. 

"You missed a spot." He huskily whispered into Y/N ear. 

She turned to face him. Now his chest pressed against hers. 

"Where?!" She asked confused. 

"Here." Monty pressed his lips to Y/N's. His lips where so soft and warm. Their lips moved in sync as Monty's left arm firmly gripped Y/N waist and his right, gripping the desk. 

Monty broke the kiss but stayed close to Y/N. 

"Liar." Y/N said. "I didn't miss a speck." She slipped out of Monty's arms, quickly grabbed her stuff and moved to the door. Before she left, she made sure to smack his ass and then she jumped through the door. 

Y/N listened to Monty bang on the door and yell her name. She walked back to the storage room where she kept all her things. Y/N packed up and before she left, she stole a glance back at Monty's room. She would be back tomorrow.

(Not me blushing the whole time I'm writing this. ... No, but seriously, it was so difficult to keep a straight face.)                

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