Chapter 12: Rise Of A New Heir (Part 01)

Start from the beginning

"Bitch," Angel clinched his stomach. He applied pressure to his wound trying to stop the bleeding. He had no idea Blaire was going to be so pissed at him. He breathed through the pain as his blood continued to stain the floor.

"My apologies," Lord Alexander snapped his finger. Two healers came in and began treating Angel's wounds. "It seems that my daughter didn't like my request. However, the offer still stands if you want it." Once Angel's wounds were healed, he forced himself to stand back on his feet. "So, Angel, would you like to sit next to me as I watch the tournament?"

"Next to you," Angel was at a loss for words. "You want me to sit next to you." Lord Alexander was never the type of person to offer a chair next to him. The only person who got that privilege was his daughter and maybe Scythe. This was completely unexpected since when did Lord Alexander start respecting him. Even if this request upset Blaire, it was too great of an offer to pass up, to be able to sit next to a king and watch this tournament together.

"You don't want it," Lord Alexander placed his arms on his throne.

"I do," Angel bowed to him. "It would be an honor to sit with you sir." He rose to his feet. "If you'll excuse me, I've got to get everything ready for the tournament." He walked out of the throne room and to the training ground. Where the tournament will be held.

The Training Grounds Arena was full of vampires watching from the stands. The arena was huge, the walls covered in stone, the concrete floor had the design of a large bat screeching in the center. The spectators began to cheer as Angel took his place at the center of the arena.

"Welcome everyone," Angel spoke loudly so the crowd could hear him. "Please join me in welcoming our four competitors," The crowd continued to cheer. "First up," He placed his hands behind his back. "We have Fate," He gestured over to the right side entrance.

"Let's do this," Fate walked into the Training Grounds Arena. His dark blue hair was styled in gothic fashion. The side of his bangs stopped just before his pale blue eyes. He wore a navy blue tank with a silver chain dragon necklace. Sheathed on his back were two swords. He had a pouch strapped to his right side inside of it containing various types of tools. He wore a black fingerless glove on his right hand. The glove had a blue X on the front of them. He wore distressed blue jeans and black boots. He flipped his hair back as the crowd continued to cheer for him.

"Oh man, I get to see Fate in action," Jayden's voice was filled with excitement. "Hey, Blaire, he was trained by Scythe too, right?" She nodded. "So that means you two were trained by the same person. Have you two ever sparred?"

"No, my father forbids me from sparring with him." Blaire glared at her father as he sat there on his throne. "He would only let me spar with Scythe, no else was good enough. That and he was too scared that Fate would accidentally hurt me. He is so overprotective and it's annoying." She bit her lip. "I've never seen Fate fight either. But at last, I'll be able to see which of us is superior."

"Next up," Angel called out. "We have Brandon," He gestured over to the entrance. The crowd began to cheer while he made his way onto the arena.

"Here we go," Brandon began slowly walking into the Arena. His short brown hair was spiked back, the sides of it were shaven. He wore black leather trench coat leaving it open to flaunt his well built chest and abs. He wore two fingerless gloves with diamond studs in them. He wore a pair of distressed blue jeans and black boots. He popped his knuckles and stretched out his neck. "I'm about to whoop some ass."

"Next we have Selene," Angel called out. Selene walked forward as the crowd cheered for her. She was dressed in a solid black tank top and distressed blue jeans. She wore black converse shoes. She had a pouch on her left side, no doubt containing vials of her blood which acted as a deadly explosive. She brushed her shoulder length sunflower blonde hair back, her pale blue eyes focused on Angel.

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