Part 1.<3

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The sun was about midway in the sky, towering over the school you were in. It was just a normal day. The teacher rambling on about things and you tapping your pen upon your desk. 

I mean, it was normal up until that point. 

Suddenly, a huge bang could be heard outside of the room. It shocked half of the kids and you started to panic. Loud sounds were definitely not your thing. 

"Calm down, children!" The teacher spoke, holding her hands out. She tried to act normally, but you could tell by her face she was freaking out. "J-just get under the desks.." 

You frowned slightly and did as she said. Sure, it didnt make sense but you still did it. 

"Now..stay nice and quiet for m-" before the teacher could finish her sentence, the door came slamming down. Revealing this bear-type thing. Blood dripped from its extended claws, and it didnt hesitate a second before pouncing on our teacher. She let out a piercing cry and the rest of the kids began to bawl. 

You, however, have the common sense not to stay in the room with this thing. You noticed it was taking it's time with your teacher, probably mauling her, and so you chose that opportunity to leave the room. 

You then started to run, as fast as your small legs could take you. Down the blood-soaked corridors and past the screams of terror. 

Whatever was going on, you didnt like it one bit. These bears were everywhere and the smell of blood was starting to get to your stomach. After a few minutes of running, you made it to the exit and ran at the doors full-force. Your arms bounced onto the wood and they flew open. 

Outside though, it was worse. 

The sky was nothing but dark, as if the blood from the streets had polluted the air. People ran in all directions as these bears chased after them. All this was too much. Way too much. Your hands made their way to your uniform and you gripped the fabric, trying your best not to cry. 

"Ahhhhh! Help me!" 

More screams from behind you. You started to shake and ran out of the school, straightforward and down this alley. You didn't know where to go. You didnt know what to do. It might the end..

"OW! Watch where you're going!" 

It went dark.


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