Chapter Thirty One

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Tuesday- 2:34pm-Ahmira

I was in the kitchen sitting at the island looking at the tv. It was nothing in it so I was just basically daydreaming

"Mymy" Chris said coming downstairs

"Yes Chris" I said fairly annoyed.

"Yeah naw no attitude, here" he said handing me my pill bottle and going in the fridge and pulling out a jug of apple juice

"I want water to take it" I said holding my pill in my hand

"Apple juice make it taste less bad" he said grabbing two glasses and pouring the juice. He gave it to me

"Count of three we a take our medicine togetha" he said holding his pill. I nodded

"1 2 3" he said as we both took our pills and drunk the juice.

"How was it" he said wiping his mouth. I nodded

"It wasn't bad" I said smiling

"Told ya" he said. I looked up at the tv and seen Marcus picture in the news.

"Turn that up" I said standing to my feet as Chris turned the tv up

"38 year old Marcus Kelly found in his home dead. The reporters say that his body been in his home for the past 5 months. The cause of this man's death is unknown, we'll be back with more information here on CW news"

My heart dropped. No, who could've done that. Whoever did it was gonna catch hell from Marcus people.

"You knew that Nigga" Chris said. I nodded.

"That was my ex, the one I told you about" I said. He nodded and looked at me.

"You straight" he said hugging me.

"Yeah I'm good" I said reassuring him. "Have you talked to Kenzie today" I asked him changing the subject

"Naw I was gonna ask you the same thing" he said sighing

"No she haven't texted me back, I'm gonna stop by there" I said picking up my phone

Text message

Unknown: Ahmira I want to meet you

I scrunched my face.

Me: who is this and how'd you get my number ?

Unknown: it's your father

My heart dropped .

"You good? Look like you seen a ghost" Chris said chuckling making a bowl of cereal.

"'s my father" I said looking up at him.

"Yo father " he said confused

"Yeah, hey I'll be back later" I said grabbing my purse.

"Naw listen you can just go without knowing if that's really him or not" he said grabbing my arm

"I'm okay" I said reaching in my purse and pulling out my gun. He chuckled

"I'm going with you" he said lifting up his shirt showing his gun in his waist band. I laughed

"Plus you didn't eat nun" he said going in the fridge and pulling out a ensure milk drink.

"Ew those are nasty" I said. He opened it and drunk a lil

"It's good to me. Besides you don't eat real food so you gotta drink these to keep strength" he said handing it to me and folding his arms. I took a deep and gulped it down and threw it away.

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