Chapter Fifteen

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Tuesday- 1:34pm-Ahmira

I got in my car and sat there catching my breath. That's workout relived a lot of things for me. My therapist said working out can help with my anger issues. I pulled off and went to Starbucks for Kenzie

"Hi welcome to Starbucks, What can I get for you today" this girl named Leslie said as I read her name tag

"Hi can I get 2 Caramel Brulèe Créme with extra caramel" I said taking out my card

"Yes, and don't worry about it it's on the house" she said smiling.

"Oh no it's okay I can pay" I said handing her my card

"No it's fine really. I really enjoy your music" she said going to the back. I smiled and put my card away and make a mental note to go back to the studio.

I set aside and got on my phone to scroll on twitter. The trending topic was august and I turned my phone off. I rolled my eyes not even wanting to look at his name. He kept texting but ignored every message.

"Here you are enjoy" she said smiling.

"Thank you" I said grabbing the drink. I got in my car and trusted in the radio, and smiled when I heard me and august smiled. That song was really good I couldn't lie.

I pulled up to Kenzie's house and walked in using my extra key. I put my bag down and seen Chris sitting on the couch watching tv. I sat down next to him taking the remote

"Aye man I was watching that" he said with a mouth full of Chips

"Nobody wants to watch Fairy odd parents right now" I said changing the channel to CSI Miami.

"Man whatever that show is the shit" he said waving me off. I laughed and drunk my coffee

"Where's Kenzie" I asked looking around

"She in the shower" he said I nodded. We sat there in silence for about 30 minutes watching the tv until Chris spoke

"what's up wit you and aug" he asked. I mentally rolled my eyes

"Nothin" I said looking at the tv

"Yea right" he said facing me.

"We should go to the studio one day" I said changing the subject. He shook his head

"Yeah we can do dat just let me know" he said. I nodded as Kenzie came downstairs

"Ou where's my coffee " she said sitting next to Chris. I smiled and handed it to her as she took a sip and made her eyes rolls back

"Feen" Chris said. I chuckled and Kenzie slap the back of his head

"What you got planned for today" Kenzie asked sipping her coffee. I bit my lip

"Um a date" I said quickly they both turned their heads to me

"A date? With Aug" Chris questioned and I shook my head no

"Ouu she got a date with Dave" she sung. I looked at her upside her head and she mouthed sorry

"Wait til august find out about this" Chris said shaking his head

"Chris is not gonna find out nothing " I said

"Wanna bet" he said. I looked at Kenzie and she nodded whispering in his ear

"Ight but I gotta check that Nigga out if he gonna be taking my lil sis out on a date" Chris said. I rolled my eyes and turned my attention to the tv when my phone went off

Text messages
Unknown: Be ready around 7 beautiful

I smiled and saved his number knowing it was Dave

You Deserve Better: August Alsina Fanfic Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt