Chapter 1

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Max awoke to the sound of sliding scales and someone quietly humming. She wanted to move, to open her eyes, to do something, but it was so warm and peaceful that she couldn't bring herself to break the moment. She laid there, soaking in warmth, and wondered where she could be.

It didn't sound, or smell like a hospital; there was no beeping of machines, or chattering of nurses; there was only the comforting humming. And it didn't smell like the sharp smell of bleach, or a nostril-burning smell of a sweet perfume of a nurse, or the slightly copper-tinged smell of blood.

It smelled like, well, nature. There was the purifying smell of rain, and the musky smell of trees, and- coffee? Max finally lifted her head, sniffing the air, but still not opening her eyes. Yes, it smelled like coffee! So there must be another person here, and they're probably the one who's humming!

But how is she still alive? She was shot through the forehead- you can't exactly live through that. And if she did, miraculously, survive, why wasn't she in a hospital? Why didn't anything hurt?

Distracted by her thoughts, she didn't notice that the humming had stopped, and the person next to her shifted closer to her on the bed of grass -Grass? Strange..- they were laying on. Suddenly, she felt herself being picked up cautiously, but with ease, as though she weighed nothing. Her eyes flew open, and then widened as she saw- Newt Scamander?!

Okay. Well. I guess that explains it. She mentally sighed. I am in a hospital, I'm just dreaming. Although he seems much bigger than me.. maybe it's because he's just close?
"Alright there?," Newt asked gently.

His voice seemed to divide itself in Max's head. One part she could easily understand, but the other just sounded like a bunch of gibberish. She tried to focus on the voice she understood.

He voice wasn't very different from what it sounded like on-screen, although in some ways, his voice in the movies was slightly off. For one, the accent was more conspicuous, but he also sounded kinder in real life (if it's possible to sound kind).

"I'm sorry if I startled you. I'm Newt Scamander, and I work with magical creatures like you."

He smiled slightly, and Max might have even considered it cute, had it not been for the situation they were in.

"Yes, I know who you are, because- it's a long story. And what do you mean like me??" Max said.

Or that's what she meant to say, at least. What came out of her mouth was a series of bird-like noises, including squawks and chirps, while her tail swished behind her.
Wait, my WHAT??!
Max whipped her head around, and saw that she did, in fact have a tail. And feathers. And wings. And scales.
I'm an Occamy? If this really is a dream, how did I manage to come up with this?!

"Hey, hey! It's okay, you're safe!" Newt hurriedly said, frowning as he noticed her discomfort. "I found you in Arizona. You fell from the sky, and were surrounded by blood, but you didn't seem to have any wounds. So I took you home, cleaned you off, and here you are now!" His voice was soothing, and it calmed her, as she guessed it was meant to.

Okay, so my mind definitely couldn't think THIS up, so I guess it's not a dream? That means I'm stuck in my favourite work of fiction (Yay!) as an Occamy (not yay).

          "Right." Newt said, his smile growing just a bit, seeing that she had stopped fidgeting.
             "Okay, I checked your wings while you were asleep, and they seemed fine, so you should be able to fly."
And, without any other warning, he tossed her up in the air. Unbeknownst to her, his hand was in his pocket, on his wand, ready to catch her if she fell.

        Max flailed in the air, trying to stop the inevitable fall to the floor.

FLY? Is he insane?? I'm going to die! Again! Max watched the ground rapidly approach her, and she squeezed her eyes shut, Oh, this is going to hurt- when suddenly, her wings spread out.

         Max let out a sigh of relief , which came out as a whistle, and and tried moving her wings.
Hmm.. It's like moving an arm!
Max flapped her wings, once, twice, and then took off, zooming across the room, making flips and letting out happy whistles.

        Newt watched all this with an amused expression, but a slight frown was on his face. The Occamy was acting as if she had never flown before, but she was already full-grown.
* * *
Max eventually got tired, and ended up curled around Newt's shoulder as he fed the other magical creatures. It was amazing to see the case in-person; the smells, the lighting, the feeling was just something that couldn't be portrayed on-screen.

But Max was still worried, and for good reason.
How am I here? Is this my heaven? Although, I wouldn't really have excepted to be an Occamy in my heaven. Or, for that matter, have Newton Scamander there.. And if I am alive, am I alive in my world too? Could I go back? ..Do I want to?

"We've got to come up with a name for you.." Newt mused, interrupting her thoughts. "Maybe.. Bella?" Max considered it, then shook her head. Too feminine. "Hmm.. Samantha?" Max shook her head again, violently this time. She was not going to get called by her sister's name. "Kiki? Nala? Esmeralda?" Max shook her head once more. Nope, nope, and nope. This is going to take a while..

* * *
Newt had soon run out of ideas, and ended up running out to buy a book, with Pet Names; Find the Perfect Name for Your Pooch! on the cover. It was now lying discarded on a chair, Max still nameless. Newt had either spaced or fallen asleep; it was hard to tell, since his eyes were open, but staring vacantly into space.

Just as Max started thinking that she would just be called Occamy now, Newt suddenly bolted up and exclaimed excitedly, "Raindrop! Since you fell from the sky! And you're blue!" Max was about to shake her head once more, because she was most definitely not be called Raindrop for god-knows how long- but, seeing Newt's excited grin, she relented, and nodded.

Newt looked surprised, but pleased. He sat back down, and exhaled happily. "I think you were the hardest to name out of all my creatures, Raindrop," he laughed. Raindrop. Max played with the name in her head. At first, she had thought it sounded soft, which she definitely was not, but now she supposed it could be considered a nickname. A sweet one. I could get use to it.
Ta-da! Here's Newt! I hope this wasn't too much of an info-dump.. 😅 If you have questions, comments, or constructive criticism, I'd love to hear it! The next chapter will (hopefully) be out soon! Lots of love - Fox Cove

When Newt met Max- Occamy Editionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें