𝙝𝙤𝙩 𝙩𝙪𝙗

Start from the beginning

he looked away from you "tsk idiot" he muttered out

"HEY GUYS!!" hinata shouted as he came out with everyone else

"did we take long?" yachi asked as they got into the tub

i shook my head "not at all" I said with a mischievous smile on my face "right tsukki?"

his eyes shot daggers at me as he fought the blush from growing on his face

"tsukki? what's up with that nickname?" yamaguchi asked looking at the both of you

"just wanted to try something different"

we settled into the warmth of the hot tub, it was relaxing.

being surrounded around this group of refreshing friends, was relaxing.

we may have not know each other for very long but they were nice company

no one could ever replace my old friends but still they were fun to have around.

I'm happy just being here

"wanna play truth or dare?" hinata asked the group while raising an eyebrow

"this is so not a good idea" tsukishima said with a sigh

"for once I actually agree with you four eyes" Kageyama commented

"cmon what's the worst that can happen" i said with a smirk as I nudged Kageyama a little

"I mean I'm down to play" yamaguchi said

"yeah I don't mind" yachi said

"great so that makes it 4 to 2 which means we're playing" I said

"this is stupid"

"fine whatever"

"so who's going first" yamaguchi asked

"I say hinata since it was his ideas after all" Kageyama replied with an evil smirk

"maybe this wasn't a good idea.." hinata said with an innocent smile

"nah nah nah it's too late to back out now"

"so what's it gonna be, truth or dare?"

Hinata sighed before answering "I guess I'll do truth then"

"pussy" Kageyama coughed out

"but fine... who's the prettiest girl you know" he asked

"... I guess I'd say machi tachibana" he said as red hues pierced his face

my eyes shot wide open "shes that one girl that sits behind me in algebra!"

"oh shit I forgot she was in your class" he said now quite embarrassed

"I'll put you on" I said with a smirk

"n-no I'm okay.."

𝙁𝙊𝙊𝙇 𝙁𝙊𝙍 𝙔𝙊𝙐 /  𝙆. 𝙏𝙎𝙐𝙆𝙄𝙎𝙃𝙄𝙈𝘼Where stories live. Discover now