Part 1

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You might be thinking that I'm jumping the shark here due the vastly different moods and outcomes of these series.

Silent Hill is a horror game and isn't typically for children.

Psychonauts is a kinda kids game and typically only implies horror elements in an almost joking way.

There's no way I'm going to make a good faith agruement connecting these two things. You might think.

But you'd be dead wrong, Bucko!

Both series deal with themes of lost, self destruction, mental illness, and unreality. Silent Hill takes it in a horror way, making the player feel the horror of not being able to trust yourself and swirling into a void where nothing makes sense. Psychonauts takes it in a educational entertainment, comedy, way, asking the player to not only help these people who suffer but sympathize with them even if they aren't good people.

The brains in Psychonauts can tell us a lot about an individual character, not just about their mental illnesses. It's an entire world displaying a brief breath of the complexity of the human mind. Even when someone is going through something scary about themselves, one can be assured that the player can and will solve or at least help. There are happy endings and things do get better.

The other world in Silent Hill can also tell us a lot about an individual character, their fears and dreams and past and pain and guilt. However it aims to punish whomever enters it. There's a lot more room to fail and get bad endings. One could even say that there are no "happy" endings, as even the good endings aren't necessarily a happily ever after.

So in theory, a Psychonaut could follow someone into the other world. I don't know how they would but it's theory. Anyways, they could follow someone into the other world and solve the issue fairly quickly. It might not be easy but the training they would get would prepare them for the nonsense of the mind. They would understand the rules of this nightmarish dreamland as they understand the mind even when it doesn't make sense. Unfortunately I think they'd always get the ufo ending or the really good ending.

Plus having mind based superpowers helps so it'd kinda be cheating.

Consider a Silent Hill and Psychonauts comedy crack crossover if you want to write a crossover but aren't sure with what!

Thank you for reading this!

The surprising overlap in Silent Hill and PsychonautsWhere stories live. Discover now