Chapter 6

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Toby's POV
2 months later

"Toby!" Spencer yells "will you bring me some icecream!"

"Hold on!" She is so bossy when she's pregnant, I mean it's great, but still

I walk to the fridge and grab her favorite, red velvet, and walk into the living room were she is currently sitting, watching a movie.

"Here you go baby" I say, handing it to her

"Thanks" she beams. She is pretty big, considering she has three babies inside her. But it's great and I can't wait until there born. Speaking of,

"Spence, what are we going to name our babies?"

"Ooohhh, great question! I was maybe thinking Maisie, Mary, and mason!"

"Hmm, so you want m names?"

"Yes I like them!"

"What about Ian, Isabelle, and infinity?"

"Oh I know! What about Caden, Claire, and Charlotte or Hayden, haillie, and Heidi?"

"Maybe! So we have m names, I names, c names and h names. So we just wait and see the ones we like!"

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