Chapter 3

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I will have to wait a week to tell my parents because they are gone for business. But I might as well tell Toby.

I call him and tell him we need to talk. He said he will be over in five. Right as I'm about to give up hope that he's not coming he pulls up to my house.

I hear a knock and go and open the door.

"Hello spence. What is it you need to talk about?"

"Umm you better sit down for this."

"Okay?" He says.

"Well Toby, I'm pregnant..."

"Your what! OMG spence! That's great! Not under good circumstances but still wonderful! Yay I'm going to be a dad!" Toby says happily

OMG this is great. He took it Better than I expected

"Toby can you stay with me while my parents are out of town?" I ask

"Sure baby, anything for you and my other baby" "Oh! You need to make an appointment for next month!"

I laugh "I will, now let's go watch a movie"

~~~a month later~~~

I sit nervously as I await my appointment. I'm scared they will say Something wrong. But speaking of, my bellys gotten a little bump, and it's so cute.

"Spencer Hastings?" The nurse says

I get up with Toby and we walk into a room. She weighs me and then cheaks my blood pressure.

"Okay, the doctor will be in shortly to take your ultrasound. "

"Great. Thank you." I say

" I'm excited to see our baby over the ultrasound" Toby says

"Me too"

We chat untell the docter comes in and takes us to the room where they take the ultrasounds.

"Please lie down and lift your shirt" he instructs.

I nod and lift up my shirt. He puts a cold blue jelly on my belly and moves it around.

"Hmm there's your baby" he says "Now let's hear the heartbeat." He moves the wand around a little more and then makes a shocked face.

"What's wrong?" I ask panicked

"Mrs Hasting, It seems you don't just have one baby" he says

"So twins?" I say

"No triplets"

Hopping you like the two chapters in a row! Thank you for reading!


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