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Fake Name: Sakura Mikan
Real name: Laven Alexandra Frosty
Nickname: Mi-Chi, Lily, Ven, Alex
Age: 10
Fake hair & eyes color: Brown hair & Hazel eyes
Real hair & eyes color: Brown-white hair & Crimson-mid-light yellow eyes
Height: 144cm
Weight: 34.5kg
Blood Type: A(Fake), AB(Real)
Birthday: January 1(Fake), August 3(Real)
Zodiac: Capricorn(Fake), Leo(Real)
Likes: Alice in wonderland, Friends, Strawberry shortcake.
Dislikes: Mean people, Bullies, Annoying people, being center attention.
Fun fact: She may be emotionless but she's shy, warm, and someone you really comfortable to be with.

Name: Hyuga Natsume
Age: 10
Hair & eyes color: Raven black hair & Red/Crimson eyes
Height: 140cm
Weight: 34.5kg
Blood Type: B
Birthday: November 27
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Likes: Manga, Teasing, and sleeping at class
Dislikes: Annoying people
Fun fact: He's deep inside is kind, just keepin' the cool side of him so that's nobody can find him weakness 'kay?

Name: Imai Hotaru
Age: 10
Hair & eyes color: black hair & Violet/Purple eyes
Height: 139cm
Weight: 33kg
Blood Type: AB
Birthday: October 25
Zodiac: Scorpio
Likes: Technologhy, Friends(espically Mikan/Lily =>)
Dislikes: Annoying people and mean people who trying to hurt Mikan/Lily.
Fun fact: she's might be always fight with mikan/Lily but deep inside she is more comfortable around Mikan/Lily.

Name: Nogi Ruka
Age: 10
Hair & eyes color: Blonde hair & Light blue eyes
Height: 145cm
Weight: 35.5kg
Blood Type: O
Birthday: March 16
Zodiac: Pisces
Likes: Animals, his bunny doll, and pudding
Dislikes: people who hurt animal and bullies
Fun fact: Ruka is actually trying to act cool like Natsume, he's real self is an kind, cute boy and very weak against animals (also Mikan/Lily)

Btw this is what Mikan/Lily
Looks like

Btw this is what Mikan/LilyLooks likeV

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Laven Alexandra Frosty(Lily)

Mikan-Chan: wow other me is looks like Alice in wonderland! :0
Creator-Kun: Kinda remind me of your universe-
Mikan-Chan: oof- you are right I mean, My universe literally have Alice in wonderland vibe-
Creator-Kun: Lol XD, Do the credit in my place Mikan-Chan ^^
Mikan-Chan: Alright...All the character are not belonged to A.R-Kun!, she's only own Lily and the story of this book! So..Adios!
Creator-Kun: Oi- don't leave me here!

Words: 374

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jan 10, 2022 ⏰

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