Just a fun day at the theme park.

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Juicy POV:
I sit on my bed with my phone scrolling through Instagram. While laying a message pops up on my phone. I sit up and read it.
"This message is going to all theboys. We are going to a theme park! Let's all have fun together!" I read. I jump out of bed and I put on some clothes. I run out and grab my car keys and hop in my car. I drive to the theme park that he told me to go to.
I see the other guys cars and I park up and I hop out and run to the boys who are stood at the entrance. I hug them and we all walk in.
"Guys I have a great idea." Narrator smiled. We look at each other and at narrator.
"Follow!" Narrator said. E followed narrator to a big wheel. I cover my mouth in shock.
"What idea?" Mully asked. Narrator pulled us all to the wheel and we payed and got on. The wheel began turning. When we was half way. Narrator took his top off and shuffled to me. I giggled and he began kissing my neck and touching my dick.
"Oh my.." other boys says shocked. I moan and let narrator kiss and touch me.
The wheel was at the top and had stopped for a bit. We was all fucking each other.
"Oh god Josh fuck me harder~" Mully said moaning.
"Mmm~ Your so good~" I said moaning as Narrator thrusted into me. Eddie was sat on the seat josh sucking him off.
"Oh narrator~" I moan: the wheel began moving and we all stopped and we quickly got our clothes on. We all sat down wiping our sweat and we have each other a little kiss. The wheel reached the bottom and we hopped out. We walked to the entrance.
"Thanks for the good time!" Mully said. We all hugged and kissed each other and we all went to our cars and hopped in driving back home.

Theme park (Ferris wheel) SexWhere stories live. Discover now