Chapter 26 - Beyond pain

Start from the beginning

~~ End of Flashback ~~

Now that his memories of what happen, Zhan started to panic. He remember all the things that he tried to do years ago and how far he had gone. But this time it was different. Yibo was not around so there was no way for him to save Zhan once again. While he tried to pray to be saved and to find a way out of this situation his failed to realise that someone had gotten in. He only noticed when the blind folds were removed from his face.

It took a while for Zhan to be able to see anything since that the small light in the room was hurting his eyes. His headache was aching so much and this was causing some problems for his vision. After blinking for a while he finally managed to regain the full use of his eyes. He was in shock. Zhan was expecting to find He Peng right in front of him but to his surprise Yifei and Wen Xiu were the ones present.

Yifei: "Look what we have here? For once that brat has done something right." Yifei was looking at Zhan with a smirk but then it changed back to a disgusting look.

Wen Xiu: "What are we planning now? Yibo and everyone else might know that he is missing by now. We can not just let him stay here!" Wen Xiu seemed to not be happy to have Zhan.

Yifei: "We will keep him for just a bit until we know more. Then we can finally kill him."

As soon as the words came out of Yifei mouth, Zhan went into complete panic. He knew that Yifei was capable of so many things but murder? That was a step too far. Was this really his fate? Would he be able to say a final goodbye to Yibo? All his plans he had with Yibo was now going away.

Meanwhile across the town, Yibo together with Yanli, Cao and his brother Haikuan were in Yibo's apartment trying to find out where his mother and Wen Xiu could have possibly taken Zhan too. They would not be that stupid to hold them in the mansion, so there were going through all the properties that belong to Yifei and Wen Xiu.

Yibo had not taken any break since the moment he found out that Zhan was missing. The cops were going through all the paperwork that they had received about all the bad deals Yifei and Wen Xiu had done. They had more than enough to arrest both but no one seemed to know where they were. Cops were already after the drug dealers and were aware of the all the drug deals going on all they needed was to find out the people behind it. Now they had more than enough to know that Yifei and Wen Xiu were the masterminds behind all this. However with the news that they had kidnapped someone things were different.

Yibo and Haikuan were working with some special people that would be able to help then all they needed now was to find where Zhan could possibly be.

In the kitchen Yanli was trying to do something for everyone to eat and drink but she could not help herself from feeling lost. There wasn't much they could do to help Zhan at this moment. She felt useless. Cao would try and guarantee that they were doing everything they could to bring Zhan back safe and sound.

A knock on the door made everyone in the room stop everything they were doing.

Haikuan: "Are you waiting for anyone?" Haikuan said looking at a shocked Yibo.

Yibo: "As far as I know no." He responded back. A small glints of hope came to him. Could this be Zhan. But the moment he open the door his hopes went away.

Meng: "We came as soon as you told us he was missing. Can we come in?" Yibo cuddle Meng and waved at Cheng.

The moment they knew Zhan was missing, Yanli called her brother in Korea to let him know. Together with Meng they organised a quick plane trip. They could not just simply stay behind when they knew that Zhan was in danger once again.

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