chapter 85

627 16 4

December 25th, 2021


"Mr. Hossler?"
"O-oh. Hi. I'm sorry, we're ju-"
"It's okay. I'm glad you got a chance to rest. I'm here to inform you that baby is stable, and is doing well with our special treatment. You are allowed to visit, today only through the glass, because we don't want to risk stuff. But in few days, both of you will be able to come inside of the room that your baby is in. And then we'll talk about everything you're allowed to do inside. Baby is maybe not looking the way you wanted her to be. She is connected to the machines and there is a lots of pipes on her body, but we all know it's for her sake. So once you guys are ready to go and visit her, here is wheelchair for Olivia, go to the fifth floor with the elevator down the hall and find me somewhere, I will probably be at front desk. I do recommend that it doesn't happen in next hour, because we just put the baby to sleep. Once you guys enter the fifth floor, please use hand sanitizer that is set on a little shelf and clean your hands with it. Then, since you will not be able to go inside today, there will not be any more special procedures."
"Okay. Thank you so much."
"Of course. I'm Lilly's nurse, so for anything about her, I'm today on your call. There will be another nurse, because of shifts, but we'll talk about it later when Mrs. Nelson is awake, along with everything else that is about the baby."
"Okay, thank you so much."
"Of course." She smiled at me before leaving the room.

It bothers me that these doors aren't closed, but I guess it's whatever.

I'm so happy to go and see my baby soon. I decided to get myself coffee, wanting to let Olivia to rest as long as it's possible.

While I was walking through the hospital, I dialed Robert's number so I would check up on kids.

"Woa- Hey buddy." I was quick to move my phone off my ear when I heard Josh's yelling.

"Hey daddy. What's up?"
"Oh, nothing much. How are you guys? What are you up to?"
"We ate some food. Robby made us lasagna."
"Ooh, that's nice. Are you guys listening to him?"
"Yeah, we are. But Ally doesn't want to go to toilet with him. I fed her."
"Oh, that's nice from you. You're such a good brother. Is she near you?"
"Ally!" Josh screamed, making me remove my phone and I shut my eyes closed. That was just too loud. I never heard him scream that loud.

"Daddy's on the phone, he wants to hear both of us."
"Hi Denny."
"Hey baby. What's up?"
"I'm pwaying with Yowa."
"Oh are you? Are guys having fun?"
"Did you eat good?"
"Yeah, we did."
"Good. Is Robby still so scary?"
"Okay. I'm sorry we had to leave you guys like that on Christmas, but it's just the circumstances that happened. We will be back home on Monday, or maybe Tuesday."
"Daddy!" Josh whined on the other side of the phone. I feel so bad that they're alone, without us, on Christmas.

"I'm sorry guys, it's not in my hands, or in hands of mommy. It's for the best, and there's no way to change it."
"That's not fair."
"I know baby, and I'm sorry."
"I want mommy."
"I'm sorry, I'm not currently near her. And she is sleeping. Once she's awake I'll tell her to call you guys immediately, okay?"
"Okay. Thank you daddy."
"Okay, I'm gonna go now so I don't wake her up, alright? I'll call you guys soon."
"Okay daddy, bye-bye."
"Bye-bye Denny."
"Bye guys. I love you." I hung up, walking in the room where Olivia was slightly opening her eyes.

"Where were you?"
"To get coffee. I'm sorry I didn't get you one, I don't know if you're allowed to have it."
"It's fine. Did they say anything about the baby?"
"Yeah. We're gonna go visit her in 20 minutes. Okay?"
"Yes." She smiled at me, her eyes still half closed.

"But we're not allowed to walk in the room. We'll just see her through the glass. But in few days, depends on how she's developing, we'll go inside."
"Oh. Okay."
"Do you want to sleep for little more? It's not necessary that we go in 20 minutes."
"No. I'm fine. I just need time to wake up completely."
"Okay love."

We sat in silence for a bit, until she was completely awake.

"What all did they tell you?"
"She explained that we need to clean our hands when we get to the floor. And then, she told me the sight might not be how we imagined it. She's connected to lots of machines and pipes. But she is stable, which is most important. She didn't tell me much, she said she'll wait until you're awake to tell us everything. Probably needs to talk to you as a mom and stuff."
"Okay. Can we go now?"
"Okay." I helped her get in the wheelchair, not wanting her to move too much because she is in more pain than I could imagine probably.

"Did she say anything about clothes or toys or something?"
"She didn't anything. We'll find out soon, don't worry." We cleaned our hands, before walking over to the front desk.

"Uh, hey. Is Lisa here?"
"Oh, yeah. She is in the room with the baby. I'll call her now."
"Thank you."

"Hey guys, ready to see your little princess?"
"Good. Come this way." She lead us down the hall, before standing in front of some doors.

"There she is. I'll give you some alone time. I know it's not the same like holding her, but it's just few more days."
"Okay." She walked away, while I slowly brought Olivia closer to the glass.

My eyes filled with tears as I saw our little baby in incubator, connected to the machines. She was just laying there, but you could see her tiny little tummy and chest raising as she was breathing.

"My little baby." Olivia whispered as she places her hand on the glass.

Lilly moved her head, looking at us.

"Hey baby. It's your mommy and daddy here. Heyy." She was only in little diaper and she had a little hat on her head.

"We need to buy her clothes."
"I know. We'll talk to Lisa about it."
"Hey princess. Hii. You are so beautiful. Yes you are, baby."
"Her hands are so tiny. She's adorable."

"No. She doesn't need clothes here. Only thing she needs is diapers and little hats, because her incubator keeps her warm enough. Toys you can buy, but some that are easy to clean, because everything in that room needs to be clean. Her immune system is very poor, due to not having time to develop it that good. So sure, you can get her pictures for the wall, or some toys to keep in the room, but it all needs to be easy to clean. That means no stuffed animals or stuff like that."
"But is there hats and diapers to buy in size of her body?"
"Diapers are usually hospital's responsibility, but it all goes in price later. But, if you feel like you'd rather buy her diapers on your own, it's okay. Hat she currently has on her head is what you guys had in your bag. It was cleaned and everything. But, 'cause of the fact that this was very unexpected, and that she is only 25 weeks, I'm guessing you guys didn't prepare everything yet."
"Yeah, we only started making the room like two weeks ago."
"Yeah. That's completely fine. You can have a family member bring some stuff, or you Jaden could buy some. Of course, hospital could take care of that too, but it also goes up in the price. But I feel like you guys maybe want to buy on your own because it feels like you're more close to the baby in some way."
"Yeah, we'll buy that on our own."
"Okay. Now, you as a mom. You get to chose whether you want to feed you baby with breast milk or you want-"
"I want my breast milk."
"Okay. Of course, now on the beginning, you won't be able to feed her from breast, nor even a bottle. It's because she can't suck or swallow properly. It's totally normal. She is being fed through an NG tube that goes through her mouth in her tummy. That's what you saw there."
"Oh, okay."
"I'm gonna come later so we could get milk, okay?"

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𝐌𝐞𝐭 𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝐈𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐬 - 𝐽𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑛 𝐻𝑜𝑠𝑠𝑙𝑒𝑟Where stories live. Discover now