chapter 12

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February 29th, 2021


We walked to the Albert Park next to the lake.

Josh being Josh turned that into time to have everyone look at him.

He found a little boy, 5 years old, so they ran around the park while Jaden and I sat on the bench.

"So he knows I'm his dad?"
"Well, not really. He asked me if you could be his dad. Because he's been wanting to have a dad. From wanting Jonathan and Fred to be his dad's, to even random cashiers at the stores who are nice to him. But of course I'd never let him do that. But when he asked me last night I said he could call you his dad. I mean, he's a five year old, he wouldn't even understand if I tried to explain what happened."
"Yeah, I get it."

"But you seemed really happy that he called you dad."

I said with a small smile on my face, turning my head to look at him.

"Yeah, and I was really happy. I never thought that would make me feel this way. It's just impossible not to love that little guy."
"Yeah, he knows how to get under people's skin."

We both let out a small chuckle. And then I heard the way Jaden breathed through his nose, and I knew he wanted to say something. Something that causes him pain. And I knew that something is about me since I am the main, if not even only, reason of his pain.

"Look Liv, you both mean so much to me. And I love you both. But I understand that you don't feel the same way about me. I just don't want to lose you again. Nor I want to lose him. I wanna be there while he's growing up."

I nodded my head.

Should I tell him that I actually still love him?

He grabbed my hand in his, kissing it; while continuing to rub his thumb on the back of my hand.

"I-I want you to be in his life too. Not just his life, but mine too. But I'm not gonna come to LA Jae. I didn't build a life here to move away. My kid is happy here. I'm happy too. I'm not going to put him under all that danger in LA."

He sighed nodding.

"Yeah, I know. I didn't even expect you to throw all this away. I'll be coming here whenever I have a chance. If that doesn't bother you. I'm already planning the next time I'd come, but it's a little hard though; knowing that I left right before we started one important mission. Josh will kill me."
"Yyeaah, he will. We talked few days ago."
"Great. The death is guaranteed when I go back."

We chuckled while Josh waved at us.

"We could go to beach tomorrow. It's literally like an hour maximum of walking from the home."
"Yeah, sure. I'm down for whatever you say."

He smiled at me while I returned the gesture. He always had such a beautiful smile. Still has it.

"Okay then, beach it is."

"Mommy, daddy, my foot hurts again."

Josh ran back to us, making Jaden pull him on his lap.

"It's okay, I can carry you around."
"Can you kiss it so it feels better?"
"Jesus Josh, he's not gonna kiss your foot."

Not even rethinking it, Jaden took off Josh's shoe; before kissing his foot.

"Is it better now?"
"Much better!"

Josh smiled widely, wrapping his arms around Jaden's neck.

Josh kissed his cheek, before hiding his head in Jaden's neck; meanwhile Jaden was trying to get on his shoe back.

Jaden wrapped his arms around little boy's body and kissed his head; dropping the whole situation with shoe, but he still held it in his hand.

Once Josh's shoe was back on, we all got up while Jaden was carrying Josh around.

Josh now sat on Jaden's shoulders; Jaden's head between Josh's legs.

Josh held on Jaden's hair and head - scared that he will fall down; while Jaden held Josh legs to make sure he is sitting there safely.

"Let's go to this restaurant."

Jaden took Josh down so he was wrapped around his torso before we walked in the restaurant.

We sat at the table while waitress gave us menus.

"What do you want to drink baby?"
"Apple juice!"
"Sh, sh, you can't yell here. Okay? It's not very polite."
"Sorry. Do they have apple juice though?"
"Let me check... Hmm, yeah. They do."
"I want itt."

"Hello, what can I get for you guys?"
"Apple juice, um, lemonade, and what do you want Jae?"
"I'll take lemonade too."
"Okay, food?"
"We didn't decide yet."
"Okay, I'll take your orders when I bring drinks."

We nodded before waitress left.

Later, we ordered food and ate.

Jaden helped Josh with his food, because they were sitting next to each other and I was across them; and I simply adored it.

He's just so fucking cute with kids, I never knew it.

"Are we going home now?"
"We should go take a nap huh?"

I asked stroking Josh's head that was on Jaden's shoulder.
He was tired, you could see it in his eyes.

"Jae, do you want to call Uber? Is he heavy?"
"No, no, it's fine."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, it's all good."

He smiled at me, making me smile too.

I forgot how was it when I had him to make me smile every day whole day.

I missed him so much.

We talked on the way home, until we got back to the complex.

Josh has already fallen asleep, wrapped around Jaden.

I unlocked the doors and opened them, letting Jaden walk in first before I went behind him, locking the doors.

"Should I put him in his bed?"

He set Josh on the bed, taking off his shoes and hat; before pulling covers over him.

I saw him kiss his head, which made my heart warm up.

As he walked out of the room and closed the doors behind him, and I was standing right in front of the doorway, we ended up being really close to each other. And there was too much tension.

"Are you tired too?"
"Nah, I'm fine. Are you?"
"Nope. I, uh, I should probably go now. I'll-"
"Why? Stay here."
"I don't want to be a burden."
"You're not, c'mon."

I nodded my head towards living room, before heading to it as he followed behind me.

"Do you want something to drink?"
I asked once I opened the fridge and he already flopped on the couch.

"Just water, please."

Ah, remember the times when I used to beg him t- Jesus Christ, what is wrong with me?

I pushed my thoughts away, getting us both a water bottle.

I hate that it is so awkward between us.

I just wanted to hug him right now. Kiss him and cuddle.

But I can't.

I know I shouldn't.

This is the reason I left without saying anything to him.

I'm just too in love with him to resist him.

He's like a drug to me.

And now, I don't fucking know if I should push him away out of my life again, or should I get back with him?

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I'm searching up things about Melbourne on the internet, because I've never been there. So, just ignore that and go with the flow.

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