Chapter 2

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I closed my laptop and got ready for school. I went into my brother's room and woke him up and told him to get ready. I walked back to my room and my best friend, Sidney, was sitting on my bed.

"You got in from the window again right?" I asked.

"You know me so well. No wonder you are my best friend," Sidney said.

"OK. Well I'll be ready in two minutes. Just let me get a banana and we'll go and my brother just needs to get dressed and grab some breakfast," I said. "I need to make sure he gets to school."

"You are a great big sister. Remember that," Sidney shouts while trying to get out the window.

"You know we can use the door right?" I shouted.

"Oh. We'll help me get out of this window!" She yelled.

I stood on my bed and pulled her legs, trying to get her out of the window. Next thing I knew, my mother was standing in my room and talking (or at least I think it was talking) and passed out on my bedroom floor. I let go of Sidney and she fell on my bed and messed up her picture-perfect brunette hair.

"OWW! That hurt!" She exclaimed.

"Sorry. It's just my mom again," I told her.

I ran into the kitchen and got my mom her sandwich out of the fridge and put it on the table for her to eat when she wakes up.

"I'm ready to go!" David yelled in my ear while standing right next to me.

"OK! Wow boy! Your loud!" I yelled back at him. "Then let's go!"

I walk David three blocks to his elementary school and drop him off and then I walk with Sidney to the high school another two blocks down. It doesn't take us long if we sprint, but today we left early enough to walk to school and not be late.

When I got to school, I tried to be invisible, like any other day. But like any other day, it doesn't work.

"Yo Trish! Where you been? Dropping of your mom at rehab?"

"Where'd you get your shirt? The dump?"

"How's your dad doing?"

I've heard them all. I get that crap every day. In the halls. Before school. Picking up my brother. Everywhere. But I haven't got as much of it for a while. I don't really know why.

Teachers have sent me to the councilors various times to "talk about my feelings about the so called bullies." Ugg. They aren't bullies. They just say mean things. I don't classify them as bullies.

Yea, I have been beaten up before. So what? I can't do anything about it. I'm not strong enough. I don't fight back. I gave up on that idea a long time ago. It is just easier to get a punch or two than to be pushed to the ground and be kicked by various people.

I don't care about being popular! I don't. I need my little brother, and I'm good. I'm fine. I'm perfect.

First half of the day was good. And by good, I only had two mean comments and a trip. This day has been good so far.

Walking to lunch, my phone beeped. It was my mother.

Where are my pills? It read.

They are in the bathroom. I replied and I put my phone away.

When I got my lunch and was walking to my lunch spot,
Mr. Bigshot Captain Of The Football Team, aka Reese Jackson, had something to say to me.

"I am so sorry," he said.

"What are you sorry for?" I asked, knowing what was going to happen.

"I'm sorry for what I'm about to do," he replied.

He took my lunch tray and threw my lunch at me. But before he got the food to me, I got out of the way and he put my mashed potatoes in my principal's,
Mrs. Ryan, hair.

"Detention!" She yelled and dragged Reese by the ear to her office.

Mrs. Ryan is an older woman with a wider built and glasses with chains around her neck. She is a scary lady. You don't want to mess with her.

I walked to my lunch table with Sidney and say down and she started talking.

"That was genius," she whispered.

"I know," I whispered back.

"You want to go the food court after school and grab some food? You can bring your brother if you want. I'll buy him some candy or something,"

"Sure. I'm not gonna leave him at home, that's for sure," I replied. "Meet you at the normal spot after school?"

"Of course," she exclaimed.

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