I forgive you...Xiao...Thank you...

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" i'll do it" Xiao said out to the nurse.

"Are you sure?" She asked.

"Ye-" Xiao was cut off by Zhongli.


"AND I LOVE HIM WITH MINE!" Xiao shouted back.

Zhongli's eyes widened,


"Alright then..." he said, quietly.

Back to Zhongli's POV everyone!

I watched Xiao as the nurse led him to the operation room...

"...Xiao...Why?...?...." i thought to myself.

End of flashback

"Xiao... why did i let him?...This is all my fault" i thought

I came back to my senses, shaking my head, looking down at Childe's face, peacefully asleep,

"I would wonder where you are when you did that for me..."

A tear rolled down my face and onto Childe's cheeks, his eyes started blinking, slowly opening up.


he said softly

"Why are you crying?!" He screamed in shock.

"It's nothing Childe..." i said quietly "it's nothing that you must waste your time with." I said, starting to tear up once more.

"No it's not nothing... Zhongli..." He said in a worried tone.

He pulled me into a hug,

"It's okay, i'm here, if it is something you need to get of your chest just tell me and let it all out..."

My eyes widened,

"Thank you Childe" i said starting to cry.

"No need to thank me Zhongli... this was the only thing i could do, you have helped me a lot lately, so please just let it all out."

I started to cry uncontrollably.

I had a note with me.

Xiao said to give it to Venti and take him to *******, when he is released.

4 days later....

Venti's POV...

"Thank you! Take care ma'am! Good byeee!"I thanked the receptionist while walking out the glass door, exiting the hospital.

I was released from the hospital, Zhongli was outside, waiting for me.

"Zhongli!" I shouted out to him.

"Venti, greetings, how was your time at the hospital these pass few days?"

"It was great! Thanks for asking! Sorry if i took to long, but i'm wondering i thought i was dead by now..." i asked.

"Good to hear, no you did not take too long" Zhongli said.

"I'll tell you, for now, follow me." Zhongli said, starting to walk.

"okay then!" I said, happily.

33 minutes later....

"We're here."

"But... this is where me and Xiao used to go when we were still kids..."

Zhongli's POV

"So they were Childhood friends... i see...."

"Well, this was where Xiao told me to take you before he ended his life to continue yours...." i said.

"W-Wait w-what?...?..."

"Yes, please let me explain." I said.

"Yes please do...." Venti said, solemnly...

"Xiao gave his life to continue yours, apparently your heart had stopped beating, so he gave his to you...." i said.

Venti clenched his fist.



"he gave me a note, he told me to give to you when we make it here..."

Venti's POV

Zhongli handed me the note, i opened it and started to read it.

"Venti, if you're reading this, that means i am now gone, the reason i cheated on you with Aether was so that you wouldn't die, especially in front of me, he told me to ignore you or else he will double the consequences, i didn't want to hurt you in the first place, i never did, well i didn't know what to give you on your birthday, but when this came, my gift to you was my heart so you can continue live your life, without me... happy birthday mein leibe! I love you with all my life, everything i have, forever, on and more, i still hope you can forgive me after everything i have done to you....Take care, be happy! I hope you can find someone else to love, i hope you life a happy life, please, Don't forget me!..." Those words... i spoke them to Xiao when we were kids...when i moved...

My tears rolled down my cheeks, and onto the piece of paper, i fell down on my knees.

I started to cry, Zhongli came up to me and said,

"i'm so sorry for your loss... i-...happy birthday Venti..."

he kneeled down in front of me and hugged me.

My eyes widened,


I screamed out, while crying out all my tears,

Zhongli started to cry too, behind my back, we were both crying uncontrollably.

"I will always love you Xiao...Thank you so much...i forgive you Xiao..."

"....i'll never find someone else to love you're the one i loved from the start and that will never ever change no matter what..."


Well here is the end of the line *sniffles* so sorry if it hurt. I am very very sorry, i am 10,0000+% positive it did a lot of dmg to the readers, thank you for reading until the end i really appreciate it! Love ya'll!

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