Tell me...Who the fries you are

432 17 76

Xiao's POV

"Who the fuck, is he?!?!...Tsk whatever i have a GIRLFRIEND anyways...Why should i worry about a fucking guy like him?

"Tbh, i really don't like her, she likes me, just because I'm popular, ugh why did my mon force me to be in a relationship with this girl she's always asking for money"

I was so pissed off by him i just wanna kill him but that old man and deaf guy are in my way, i just missed Venti... I wanna see him so much...Though...his face is kinda blurry when i think about him...

"Xiao!!!" I heard a voice.

Before i knew it i was surrounded by fangirls.

Xiao:"Oh. Shit. Crap." I said.

I was a popular guy here so it was kind of normal but at times it was very very very very very annoying.

I got up from my chair, and started sprinting out the door in to the hallways.

"Tsk.. WHY TF ARE THEY STILL CHASING ME!?" I heard voices behind my back saying.

"Date me please!"


"Marry me!"

"I like you! Come here!"

"Simps" i thought.

Couple minutes later, still running from the bitches.....

I saw him, again. The. most. annoying. boy. in. my. life.

and what was he doing? I don't know what the fuck he was doing but i didn't care, i was looking at him, before i even knew it i got cornered, i had no where to run.

"Hey!" I heard a voice.

"Leave him alone!" I heard the voice again i looked to where the voice was coming from. It was him.

"Ughh.. what does he want now?!" I thought.

" Who're you?!"

Venti:" My name is Venti! Leave my BOYFRIEND alone!" He shouted to the girls.


Author: like he was screaming in his head idk wth you guys call it so please put it in the comments.

Back to the story!

"Proof!" Somebody said in the crowd.

He came to me. Held my hands with his, and whispered over to me,

"Just kiss me, i know what i'm doing!" He said whispering in my ear.

"Tsk.. Fine.." i said.

He then pressed his lips against mine, i felt my face heat up, i then closed my eyes.

He pulled away from me, i looked and heard disappointment in the crowd, soon, they all left.

Leaving me and Venti alone, now that i thought of it. I asked myself.

Could he really be my childehood friend? I have to make sure.."

I then looked towards him i didn't notice that i was still holding his hands, when i did, I immediately let go of them. Turning a bit red.

Venti:"haha! Are you embarrassed? So quick to flee!" he smiled "oh i'm so so sorr-" i cut him off

Xiao:"you don't need to apologize, i'm supposed to be the one saying sorry, but i have a question first."

Venti:"Sure! what is it?"

Xiao:"Are you Venti Gunnhildr? Tell me who you are.."

Venti's POV

He said it. He said my name... how did he know only Xiao knows it-

Venti:" Y-Yes..."

Why....?...?...| XiaoVen bad bad storyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant