Ima explain the reason why Xiao cheated

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Warning: this is just an explanation so pls don't kill XiaoXiao

Ok here have it you guys.

Xiao's POV

"I have to what now?! Cheat on my boyfriend?!"

"Yea or he dies"

"Tsk... you'll do anything to get me to like you, huh?"

"Yes, and you have to ignore him too or else you'll witness his death with your own eyes


"Aether...tsk..but..if it means Venti lives, i'll do's the best for him..." i thought.

"so come on now, let's go" Aether said with a grin on his face.

I really really hate him, he's always so clingy to me and annoying, and now this?!"

I sighed, knowing i'll really hurt Venti, but i promise...i'll make it up to him and explain...

I saw Kazuha, asleep on Scaramouche's shoulder.  (On a fricking bench outside)

Scaramouche wrapped Kazuha with his Jacket, made him sleep on his lap, kissing his forehead.

"Venti would always do that to me when i fall asleep, heh..." i chuckled.

(He knows because Venti would tell him when he wakes up)

Aether dragged me all over the place i don't know why, but he cornered me, inside the fucking bathroom.

"We're gonna have some fun, and if you push me away, i'll kill him....."

This shit is not a part of the original story, it is just a explanation, just reminding you guys!

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