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New POV✨🙄🤚

She just hugged me!

"I just can't. It's all so wonderful." She sobbed as she stepped back.

"And you're all so nice but I just can't believe it, even if I wanted to!" She yelled.

"I understand, I felt that way to.." I said reassuringly, she just looked at me with curiosity.

"How did you find Narnia?" She questioned.
"It was actually Lucy." I explained how it all happened and she looked very intrigued.

"That's funny." She giggled as she laid her head on my lap. My lap!

"Tell me more about you?" She said in between yawns.

"You act all drunk when you're tired." I chuckled, she giggled.

"Kiss me?" She said suddenly, sitting up with her hands on either side of my legs.

"What?" I stuttered.

"Kiss me, I want you to kiss me." She said seriously.

"I- ok." I said leaning in.

It was soft a first but soon enough it got rougher, our tongs moving in sinc. I felt her hands inch up my torso, to my head.

"OH MY GOD!" Yelled Peter.

"That was nice." Aria slurred.

"Is she drunk or something!?" Peter said sternly.

"She's just tired." I said standing up quickly.
"Please don't tell anyone?" I asked eagerly.

༒︎. . .༒︎

"He just kissed me!!" I yelled partially to myself.

"You did ask him to-" Susan muttered whilst Lucy nodded, along trying not to get involved.

"Yes but-"

"Exactly, he must've realised that I act drunk when I'm tired!" I cut Lucy off, not giving her a chance to talk.

"Your right!" Lucy proclaimed.

"Even if you weren't drunk or whatever he should have had self control." She added on.

"Wait.." I muttered.
"This isn't right, it is partially my fault." I said, coming to my senses.

"I agree." Susan said handing me the book that was in her hands.

"I finished ready it." She said walking out.

"Oh, Lucy. What do I do!?" I sighed, putting my head in my hands.

"Ariah.." Lucy stood up and rested her hand on my shoulder.

"It will all work out, I promise." She sighed sweetly before walking out.

𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒊 𝒅𝒐𝒏𝒆!?

(Sorry it's so short)

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