Chapter 5// Beach episode

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Raiko emerged, shaking her head. Kazutora could now clearly himself blushing.Her wet hair fitted around her perfect face. Her crimson eyes glowed in the sunlight. It was obvious that she was gorgeous. 
" Tigerbaka..your gonna pay!!" Raiko sneered and hurriedly getting out of the water. Kazutora had 3 seconds to processed his thoughts before he dashed off. Raiko was chasing him with a bucket of icy water. The two played a dangerous round of cats and mice before she successfully dumped it on his multi coloured hair. 
" You woman! It's fucking cold!" He shivered.
" Aha! That's why it's fun!" She laughed." Oh shoot." Kazutora was now chasing her at full speed.

Haru's POV:
" Those two sure are something, huh?" I said.
" Yep." Fuyu replied.
" I still havent forgiven you for throwing me in the water." I said, flicking his forehead.
" Ow! Ahaha, I know you love me." He chuckled.

Raiko's POV:
Kazutora caught up to me and tried pushing me into the water. But I took him with me as we both fell into the water. When I opened my eyes again, my cheeks flushed red. Kazutora was on top of me. And boy was he hot, his multi-coloured hair dripped with water, trailing down his toned body. His glowing amber eyes stared into my crimson ones.

Kazutora's POV:
Holy hell.. I cant believe this.. she was under me! Her crimson eyes stared into my amber ones as I processed what just happened. Lowkey panicking, I had to distract her.

" Your dying today." And pushed her head under water.

3rd person's POV:
Raiko came up, coughing slightly. She then splashed Kazutora with a huge grin on her face. 
" Your on!" He sneered and splashed her back. The two laughed together between splashed of water before Haru came.
" Hey! The gang's going to go diving, tag along before you lose us!" She yelled, her towel over shoulders blowing in the wind.
" Hey..." Raiko said they both got out of the water.
" Yeah?" Kazutora said.
" Your.. pretty.."  his eyes widened.What?

" to hang out with." she smiled." Now let's go!". 
Kazutora stood there,punching himself mentally.

"WOO!!" Mikey yelled happily as he jumped of the bridge. 
" AHHH!!" Takemichi screamed-cried as he was pushed of by Draken.
The squad was at the bridge a bit far away from the actual beach but it was good bc there were no one around apart from them.
" Aren't you gonna try?" Mitsuya asked Haru.
" Nah, not something I'll do." Haru shook her head. " Go babe."
Chifuyu grinned and leaped off. " HELL YEAH!!".
Haru chuckled and asked Raiko. " Your gonna go?" But the the girl was busy looking at something else. More like..someone else. 
" He's hot, isn't he?" Haru smirked.
" Yeah.." Raiko replied mindlessly. " Wait-I MEAN NO, I MEAN YES HE IS HOT BUT ITD NOT LIKE I LIKE HIM OR ANYTHING!-"
" Whoa chill, dont raise your voice-"
"Raiko, you raising your voice is literally the most sus thing-"
" Oi, ya going or not?" Haru put her hand over Raiko's mouth to stopped the girl from saying anything else.
" Uhh..I dont know." Raiko said, walking closer towards the edge. Out of the corner of Haru's eyes, she saw Kazutora moving closer to Raiko. 
" Bro what are yo-"


" Ahaha, good luck surviving that height." He sneered as the girl fell down and hitting the water.
" Kazutora! She-" Haru rushed to the edge to see no sign of the red haired girl.
" Ok,ok, i'm sorr-"
" No! Raiko cant swim!"
Kazutora's smile faded.
"Imma go down-" Haru didnt get to finished before Kazutora jumped off himself.
" Mhm. Cliche." Haru peeked after them.

Kazutora plunged into the water, looking around frantically for a certain red-haired. After he spottted her, he grabbed her bridal style and came up to the surface.Raiko gasped and coughed violently.He immediately sighed in relief.
"Holy hell..." 
" Aw..*cough you actually care *coughs". Raiko smirked.
" Slow down, you not fine yet." He said.
After she calmed down, she smirked at him.
" So you actually care about me, huh? How sweet.." 
" Watch it, I can go ahead and let you drown if you want."
" Speaking of that..." she trailed off, blushing. Kazutora stll had his arms around her waist and was half-carrying her bridal style.
" Oh uh.."
" Dont let go, i cant swim..just..bring me to land.." Raiko said, watching his beautiful face as he looked ahead and carry her.His side profile was hot and being in his arms made her

Kazutora placed her down where the water was less deep and they both walked back to where the others were.
" Raiko! Are you ok? After Kazutora pushed you down.."
"..we couldnt see you anywhere!"
"Holy hell-"
" Ahaha chill, I'm fine now. Keisuke, stop trying to kill Kazutora, I'm fine." True, Baji was holding Kazutora's shoulders and pulling him back and forth, muttering angry words every now and then.
" Ahahaha,  sorry.." Kazutora nervously laughed.Raiko swore it has got to be the sweetest sound she'd ever heard.WHOA..why am I feeling this way?"
Raiko tried to stand up but collasped immediately.
" Ow!"
"Raiko, you cant walk?"Haru rushed to her side.
" I think I might have sprain my ankle during the fall." she said, flinching." Baji heard and glared at Kazutora who was still laughing nervously.
" Go help her, you idiot." Baji said.
Kazutora reluctantly support Raiko by her arms. 
" Ok, thats little better.." Raiko said, her face still resembled pain but there was a smile.Little did they know, both of their faces were tinted pink so obvious, even Baji noticed it.
" Ok, we should probably head back-" Baji started.


"Huh, what the.."he frowned.
"What is it?" Haru asked.
" Danm it, I have to go attend another school meeting with Ma..probably about why I punched that kid the other day.."
"Welp, I gotta go-"
" Wait!Then who's driving me home?" Raiko quickly said.
Baji thought for a second.
" Baji..are you thinking? Careful, you might hurt your braincells-" Haru said.He bonked her on the head before she even finished.
Chifuyu chuckled and rubbed her head." You idiot, dont get on his nerves.."
"I guess I'll just drop you off at home and speed to school-"
"I can do it." Kazutora suddenly said.All eyes turned to him.
" I mean..I can drive Raiko home.." 
Baji stepped towards him and put a hand on his shoulders.
" I trust ya bro, but you better not let her fall into the road or anything!" He laughed.

"Here's your helmet Haru." Chifuyu said.
" Thanks."
" Ok, so glad to have you all with me today, we'll hang out another time, Toman!" Mikey said, getting on his bike.
" Ok cya!"
" Take care Raiko!" Haru smiled, wrapping her arms around Chifuyu's waist.
" Well do. Good luck on your date!" 
" Thanks, cya!" Chifuyu yelled and taking off.
Now it was just Kazutora and Raiko left. 
"Ok, I didnt bring any helmet..but like it'll only take a minute or so to get your house and you might wanna hold on otherwise I dont care if you fall off" He said, blushing at the end.
Raiko smirked." You heard Baji, he'll kill you if you let me fall."
" Keep talking to me in that cocky tone an I swear, one turn will knock you off."
" Whatever Baka."
Kazutora zoomed off unexpectly and Raiko out of panic grabbed his waist tight.
Raiko had no choice but to held tight to the boy the entire time. She would definitely made fun of Kazutora if she had seen his red face.
The harsh wind blew past their faces and Raiko burried her face inside Kazutora's to feel warmth. He smelled like lemon mixed with pine.She hated to admit it, but he made her feel all sorts of emotions sometimes and she wouldnt know what they are.Maybe she should pay a visit to Haru's house for a therapy check.
" Hey, your pretty quiet back there.What's up?"He said.
Raiko was quiet surprised he asked. " Nothing, just kinda tired."
" Hm, I reckon."

" We're here." He said, stopping the bike.
Raiko yawned before getting off." Thanks bro."
Kazutora looked at the girl as if he was trying to tell her something.Of course, Raiko noticed and asked."Hey, you good?You look like you could use -"

"-hug." He unexpectly gave Raiko a awkward but warm hug. Raiko blushed furiously before hugging back.When they let go, Raiko gave him a big head-butt.
"Ow, wtf...."
" Dont just randomly hug girls like that! If you have a girlfriend and she sees, your in trouble!"Raiko scolded him.
" Oho, so your saying I attractive enough to pull a girl?" He smirked and received a bonk to the head.
" Ow..i swear to god, you hang around Baji too much..."
" That;s because we're siblings! Now thanks for the ride, I'll see ya next time we hang out!" She  blushed furiously before slamming the door.
Kazurora grinned." You still didnt answer my question."


Ahahha, I absolutely loved the amount of tension in this chapter ;)

Now thank you fellow readers for...reading obv.Its 2 and I need my sleep.

2159 words 

See ya next chapter!

Author xx

Tigers and Moons // Kazutora x Oc / RAIKO  ~Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum