"Y'all gonna have kids" Kay asked

"Y'all gonna get married" mya asked. I was about to say sum

"She really pretty. Y'all gonna have some cute kids" chay interrupted me

"Get y'all nosey butts up and clean yo room" mama said coming downstairs. They got up and went upstairs. I blew out a breath and chuckled.

"Wassup mama" I said getting up and kissing her check. She put her hands on her hip

"I missed my baby boy" she said hugging me back.

I smiled and sat down while she went in the kitchen. I scrolled on my phone until I smelt some food in front of me

"Preciate it ma" I said sitting up and praying over my food. I started eating and picked up my phone and seen Ahmira posted a picture

 I started eating and picked up my phone and seen Ahmira posted a picture

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

I smiled at the picture and hearted it.

"So how are you" she said looking at me

"I'm good" i said smiling at her. She smiled back

"I see that girl got your nose wide open" she said. I shook my head and set her plate down

"You love her?" She asked

"Of course" I said. She shook her head

"You haven't been this happy since your crush on that girl in your school" she said. I looked at her

"Ion remember" I said sitting up. She got up and reached under the tv and pulled out a picture album

"I remember it like it was yesterday. That girl had you ready to go outside and school everyday" she said turning the pages.

"See" she said pointing towards a picture of me and some girl playing outside

"What was her name"  I asked looking through the album. I seen pictures of my and her at school and a talent show

"I don't know baby, but I would know if I heard her name" she said thinking. I stared at the picture

"You remember that day" she asked. I shook my head

"That was your first talent show. I had to whoop yo behind because you tripped that poor girl and her head fall in a drum set. I guess that was your way of flirting with her" she said chucking.

I smiled knowing I did sum like that. A yungin didn't have no game what so ever.

"I think I remember that day, she peed on herself" I said shaking my head

"Yup you told me to by a suit just for that day because you got the lead Singing part" she said. I laughed. She got up and reached under her a pile by the tv. She came back and sat down next to me

"Look" she said showing me a class picture. I looked around it and smiled at all the ugly mfs. I looked at the third row and seen sum

"Wait ma" I said staring at the picture.

You Deserve Better: August Alsina Fanfic حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن