A Hug

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"Get dressed. I'm leaving you here if you're not done in 10 minutes." Your sister gets off of you and before she could leave your room, you spring up and tackle her to the ground. "Woah!"

"Riiiiinn!" You cry out and your tears begin to flow. Loud sobs escape you as you tightly hold your sister close.

"Hey! What are you getting all fussy about? I didn't even jump on you that hard!" She yells while trying to push you off of herself.

"I'm so sorry, Rin! I never meant to shut you out! I didn't mean to hurt you!" You say while burying your face in the stomach of her shirt.

"Huh? What the hell are you even talking about? Why are you crying?" She asks now more concerned. She attempts to lift your head but you refuse to stop gripping her tightly. "You're getting my shirt all wet! I'm gonna have to change now!" She once again attempts to get you off, but this time with more force. She manages to release your grip and you fall onto the floor as she backs up and stands. "Ewww, gross..."

You look back up to see her and you finally take the time to assess your surroundings since waking up.

What's this...? My childhood bedroom? Is this a dream? No, I'm definitely dreaming. I have to be. But I don't remember falling asleep. But then again, didn't I wake up just now? I'm waking up in a dream? Dream inception?

You touch your head and you suddenly remember the events that had just occurred what felt like moments beforehand.

No... I'm not dreaming. I fell on the train tracks with that stranger and then... am I dead? Is this heaven? Purgatory? Or is this the sort of thing people talk about 'your life flashing before your eyes?' If that's the case, then why does this seem so real...?

"Ugh... I'm gonna go change my uniform," Rin says, interrupting your internal investigation of the situation you were currently facing.

Eh? Her old high school uniform? Now that I think about it, she does look way younger than the last time I saw her. I wonder why I'm having a flashback of this exact moment? Is it because it was a happier time? Before... before...

"You'd better be ready to go by the time I come back here or I'm telling Mom," your sister says while carefully unbuttoning her shirt, taking special care not to touch the areas that were now covered in your tears and snot.

"Mom...? T-That's right! Mom! Dad!" You say with giddy excitement. You immediately stand up from the floor and bolt out of your bedroom nearly tripping over your feet as you quickly head straight to your parents' bedroom.

They're not there!

You then run to the kitchen and see both of your parents eating breakfast at the dining table. They both look up from the sudden commotion you caused.

"Mom! Dad!" You run up to them and hug them both around the neck at the same time. "I missed you guys so much!"

"Sweetie, what's wrong?" Your mother asks as she places her eating utensils down. She rubs the arm you had draped around her comfortingly. You hardly notice when your older sister joins you and your parents in the kitchen.

"Hey, uh, what happened?" Your father asks your sister, concern and confusion sewen into every syllable he spoke. "Did you two fight?"

"N-No. I don't know what's going on either. She's been acting like this since I woke her up a minute ago."

"Honey, do you feel sick?" Your mother asks while putting her hand to your forehead to feel for a fever. "You don't feel warm."

"Did you have a nightmare?" Your father questions you as well.

Deception | (Mikey X Reader X Draken)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ