Both boys jumped as a door opened and slammed shut, and Matthias came barging down the stairs, clearly barely keeping his own anger in check.

"What is the matter with you two?" He said indignantly. "Nina is up there right now working her... her... 'backside'... off to help Wylan, and your child-like arguing is definitely not helping! If you care even the slightest for him at all then you will shut up and respect your saviour! Don't make him question why he chose us to save, because I already am!"

Silence once again. Jesper backed away, not before delivering Kaz a withering glare. Kaz merely returned it before they both slumped into opposite armchairs.

"Thank you." Matthias said with a hint of triumph in his voice; he clearly thought he had bested Kaz, the infamous demjin in some way. It was almost enough to make him laugh, despite everything.

Jesper clearly agreed as their eyes met, Jesper's glistening as his face played with a hidden smile. Once again, Kaz returned it, hoping that this would stay normal. This playful banter. The world was succumbing to an earthquake, and Kaz was holding onto whatever parts he could. But if this; this calm, light feeling could stay forever, he would welcome it. They all needed it.

"He'll be fine, Jes," Kaz said softly.

"Tch," Jesper snorted. "How do you know? It all happened so fast."

"It's no one's fault, Jesper. We all know that we would do anything to have kept a Crow safe, and if Wylan doesn't think that then he will learn it. We... we're... we all care." Matthias managed.

Jesper rubbed his hands over his face. "Saints, why did I have to get the money? If it weren't for me he would be safe playing a flute in some mansion."

Kaz bristled at this. "You seem to have forgotten that you saved him, Jesper. You picked him up from the streets and somehow managed to control yourself enough not to shoot him at first glance, Saint knows how you did it! If anyone is to blame here it's..." the answer came to Kaz a heartbeat later. "It's Jan Van Eck's! Blame Van Eck for throwing his son out just because he couldn't read a few letters on a piece of paper. If he is stupid enough to do that then the Slat is a better place for Wylan then any mansion!"

Jesper stared at Kaz, processing his monologue. Kaz huffed out a breath, returning to his normal stature and facial expression. It felt good to realise that, for once, a merchant was to blame for their problems. And what he said was true; Wylan didn't deserve to be at a place like that. No... he had it wrong; Wylan deserved so much more than that. That was what had been proved tonight. And Kaz would give it to him, as best as he could. After all, it was rare a Crow ever forgot a debt.

Jesper seemed to be thinking the same thing, his eyes alight with his usual sharpshooter-ness. He looked ready to win a game, for once. To shoot at a perfect target. To conquer Ketterdam, if he so pleased.

Inej had slunk in, Kaz observed, though no one else did.

"The perimeters are sealed, Kaz." She murmured. Matthias jumped.

"Give me a warning the next time you do that, please!" He protested.

Inej smiled. "It wouldn't be half as fun then, would it?"

Things seemed... normal. Like they hadn't just walked out of one of the worst scrapes they had ever been in, nearly being blown to smithereens in the process. Still, Kaz smirked to himself; if they could walk out of that then they could walk through Hell and back while dancing a jig.

Yes, things seemed normal. And that was why everyone hushed immediately when Nina walked in, her face grave.

"I think you should come see this," she gestured to Kaz.

The Love of a Crow - Wesper/Crows Fanfiction/AUWhere stories live. Discover now