Chapter 2: Surprise surprise

Start from the beginning

"Muffin it is. Hey, why didn't you call me last night?" I looked at him in awe. I swear, this guy leaves my head spinning with the way he changes topic.

"I washed your number off of my hand. I told you I wouldn't." Isaiah looked confused for a second, before smiling wider than ever.

"You're full of surprises. I love it." What?!

"That makes no sen-" 

"You know what we should do?" He interrupted.

"No. I don't. And I don't want to know." 

"I need to teach you some manners. Which is great, because I look forward to spending more time with you." Of course, saying I didn't want to know didn't deter him at all.

"There is no chance in hell that I am going to be spending more time with you than necessary." I said, and he smiled.

"Good! Because this is necessary. No one will like you but me and your mother if you go on like this." My jaw dropped, and he swung an arm around my shoulder.

"See? You're already talking less! Step one toward improvement." I shoved his arm off of my shoulder, glaring at him.

"I'm not doing it! I don't need people anyways. I'm fine on my own." He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Everyone needs people. And i'm going to help you with that. Oh, and here's your phone back by the way." He tossed my cellphone to me, and I found myself gaping like a fish again.

"How-WHEN did you take my phone?!" He shrugged, grinning sheepishly and sticking his hands in  the pockets of his jeans.

"You needed my number back, and I needed yours, so I fixed it." I shook my head, not bothering to wonder when he did this. I quickly scrutinized the contents of my phone, scrolling through the contacts when I found it. 

"Stud muffin? Are you kidding me?" He just kept on grinning, and I sighed. 

"Whatever. I'm leaving." 

"Aw, where ya going? You just got here!" He pouted, leaning against the wall and eyeing me.

"Home. I came here to relax, and now look. God, you're such a nuisance." I said irritably.

"Yep, most would agree with that statement. But you don't have to go home. Why don't we-"

"No." He paused, momentarily stunned.



"Aw come on! You don't even know what i'm gonna say." I rolled my eyes, turning around and walking back the way I came. I didn't even have to look to know he was following me.

"I don't need to know what you were going to say. I already know I won't want to do it." He sighed, placing a hand on his chin.

"Hmm. Well, I am booked for the rest of the day anyways. I've got work soon. I'll call you!" He said, smirking at me and starting to walk away. Then he stopped, and snapped his fingers.

"Oh wait! I forgot!" 

"Wha-" Quicker than I could stop him he planted yet another kiss on my cheek! 

"Bye muffin!" 

"Damn it!" I shouted, watching flushed as he ran off. I'm gonna kill him. I've only known him for a day and I want to deliver him on a plate to Satan, blue eyes and all.


When I got home,  my parents were sitting at the table quietly. Which is very suspicious. The quiet part, I mean.

"What is up with you two?" I asked. They looked at me, awkward smiles on their faces.

"Uh, why don't you sit. We have to have a talk, now." I immediately became terrified and sat down.  They never need to 'talk, now.'

"What is it?" My mom sighed, and looked at me sternly.

"We found the weed, Darby!" She burst out, slapping her hands over face.

"You-you what?!" I shouted, completely shell shocked. I don't smoke weed! Hell, I don't smoke anything!

"Don't try and deny it. How could you do this? We thought you knew better." My dad said, tossing a bag of green herbs on the table. I face palmed.

"No! Those are the tea leaves I got for dad's birthday! They just got old and smelly because I forgot about them!" I said panicked, and they shook their heads.

"Nice try. We've already enrolled you in a 12 step program for the rest of summer." I nearly fell out of my chair, paling.

"What the hell?! It isn't weed! I've never done drugs! Come on!" My dad just looked at me, then randomly stuck his tongue out.

 "That's what you do to drugs Darby! Stick your tongue out!" I almost had a stroke at this, and they just both left the room, giving me shame looks over their shoulders.

I sat there in my seat, struggling not to bang my head against every hard surface in the house repeatedly. 


"UGH!" I shouted, stomping to the stairs and up to my room, slamming the door. I can't believe that just went down!

Those are tea herbs that I got for my dad's birthday a couple years ago and forgot about! I hid them so he couldn't find them, and then I couldn't find them.

Leave it to them not to yell at me but put me in a program! They're probably praying for my pot-headed soul right now, together with their hands clasped.

"And because my parents are crazy, my entire summer is ruined." I grumbled, sitting on my bed and staring at the wall in despair. 

Unexpectedly, I found myself wishing Isaiah would call. I guess you do need people when the ones you've got drive you insane...and to rehab.

Sometimes I wish I was adopted. Or the Antichrist. Whichever gets me out of here faster.

----------WOW. Sorry for the dialogue overload. :D I know you think I'm nuts now O.O I know where i'm going with this, just sit back and enjoy it!!!! Comment what ya thought, or PM me! <3----------

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