"This is not a good idea," Mutuku sighed, fed up.

"I call the shots around here, all right? I made you to follow orders, not to talk back. Now, get back to work." Gabe ordered, pushing by him and walking towards Kinsey's room. He met her eyes through the crack in the door, and she knew her cover was blown. She squealed in surprise, closing the door then locking it.

Why the hell was she here?

She pressed her back to the wall, hands on her chest, trying to take deep breaths. She startles again when she hears a knock seconds later. Jumping away from the door, she puts her hands up, ready for a fight.

"Kins?" Gabe's voice comes through the door. He sounds hopeful. Why? She tried to remember what had gotten her here.

Then she remembered what happened at school. How she gave the belt to her brother, how he took Scot and ran. How Gabe had stabbed her in the back, literally. Now, he thought she was a demon. Was she?

She knows that she had complete control over herself, which didn't seem right. However, she's never been a demon before, so she can't compare notes.

"Kins? Kinsey?" Gabe asks, starting to get worried.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine." She lied. Looking around the room, she looked for an escape.

"It's just you looked scared to see me," Gabe said, voice muffled through the door.

Then Kinsey realized again. He thinks she's a demon. She can get close to him, just like he did to her, and take the Demon Key.

She opened the door, smiling.

"Nope, perfectly fine. See? So, what's up?" She asked, sliding her hands into her pockets. He looked her up and down, then back to her eyes.

"That's a new look on you." He stated, not able to look away.

"I woke up in pyjamas, and I didn't see my clothes anywhere in sight. Hope you don't mind." She added, nodding down at the clothes. He shakes his head, clearing his mind.

"Not at all," He smiles. "So, how are you feeling?"

"I had a nice sleep if that's what you're asking?" She jokes.

"No, I mean, about turning into a demon." He asks straightforward. There it is. He does think she is.

"Well, it's not that bad." She shrugs. "The process hurt, but I feel better than I have in a while." She spoke honestly, lips puckering as she spoke.

"That's good to hear. Hungry?" That was when she felt the endless pit of hungry eating away at her stomach. Her eyes widened, all she could think about was food. "Thought so." He chuckled. "Follow me." Then he walked away.

Kinsey didn't know whether to follow him or not, but the temptation of anything to satiate her hunger was too great. So she traipsed along behind him.

Soon, they came to a table in what Kinsey could guess was the basement. They had passed what she assumed was the front door, noting where it was in the back of her mind. That might be useful later.

Decorating the table in front of her was food. Cheeseburgers, turkey, ribs, ham, you name it. Kinsey's pupils dilated, the smell coming from the feast almost overpowering.

"Everyone else is hungry, but I thought I'd let you eat first," Gabe said, shrugging as he came up behind her. "Demons are most hungry after turning." He explains, right beside Kinsey.

She looked at him, thinking this was a trick.

"Go ahead, eat." He gestured to the table. She wondered if it was poisoned, but knew that Gabe could have killed her while she slept if he wanted to. He wanted her alive.

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