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Sydney's pov:

"Dinner was amazing!" I exclaim as we exited the restaurant into the chilly night air.

"It was!" He grinned placing his hand on the small of my back, guiding me in the direction of the shops.

"Aren't we going home?" I asked Derek.

"Yeah, soon. I thought it would be nice to go to a few shops and see more of New York." He said, now furrowing his eye brows.

"But, it if you want-" I cut him off.

"No. It's ok. I would like that." I said smiling up at him.

He let out a sigh. "Ok, that's good." He said now smiling back down at me.

"We'll then what are we waiting for!" I shout excitedly. I spin on my heel and start running off leaving Derek behind. Once I reached the end of the long block and more common stores came into view Derek caught up to me painting by my side.

"Wow...your....a....really...fast...runner....." He said between gasps.

I chuckled. " used to do track in high school." I say nonchalantly.

"Not fair. I was suppose to beat you." He pouted like a five year old.

"Dwaaaa. Next time I'll let you win." I say smirking, while I patted him on the back in fake sympathy.

"Your mean!" He whined.

"True, but I'm a girl. It's Psm." I said smirking in triumph.

"Urrghh! Excuses, excuses." He mumbled defeated. I looked up at me and we both burst out laughing clutching to each other for support.

"Young ones these days." The old woman mumbled unimpressed as she walked by us to cross the street.

"What's up with her?" I ask.

"Ahh it's nothin'. Probably just her old lady ways." He replied chuckling.

"Let's go." I say looping my arm in his.

"Let's." he says in a fake British accent.

And we headed off towards the shop skipping into the distance that we call New York City.

A week later...

"Arrrggghhh!" Derek sighed in frustration.

"Haha! I beet you!" I shouted jumping up and down on the sofa.

"Your not suppose to be able to play call of duty! Your a girl." He sighs in frustration rubbing his face.

"Awwwwwwww. Don't worry, I'll just try to be a little easier on you next time." I smirk.

"Shut up." He mumbles.

"You wish." I say still wearing my grin.

"Change of subject pleaseeeee?" He whines like a five year old.

"Fine." I grumble.

"What are we doing for lunch?" He asks.

"Well you know I have to go eat lunch with Miranda." I tell him. Miranda is going to help me possibly open up my first makeup shop in New York.

"Oh, yeah..." He says trailing off.

"What's wrong?" I ask worried, as I take a seat beside him.

He sighs loudly, while pulling me into him. "It's just that your hardly ever around anymore." He says sadness clear in his voice.

"Don't worry, once I get my business up and running I'll be all yours!" I say grinning up at him.

"Yeah that's true." He says smiling again. I love his smile its just so full of joy and it makes you feel ten time better to see a smile that you caused. It's almost infectious.

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