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the next day...

"Megumi! Ya gonna join us?" Yuuji approached him with a bright smile, placing his arm around Megumi's shoulder.

"I can't," Megumi responded while shoving his notes into his backpack. "It's something important so..." he looked at Yuuji with an apologetic look.

Yuuji stifled a chuckle and lightly slapped Megumi's back, "It's fine with us, don't worry. But, join us next time or the girls won't be happy! Hahaha!"

"Yeah, yeah..." Megumi let out a soft chuckle and when Yuuji pulled away, he wore his backpack. "I better get going. Tell Nobara that I'll be joining you guys next time."

"Sure sure! Take care! Just check the groupchat later!" Yuuji waved his hand. "Maybe you're going on a date that's why you can't join us today? Hahaha! Just kidding! Your expresssion...! Hahaha! Cute!"

Yuuji kept on laughing while Megumi was just scowling at him. Of course, he's not going to a date, he's going straight home to check on the guy. When Megumi left the house, the guy was still sleeping. Though he doesn't trust the guy that much 'cause who knows, he might be a robber or something. But, it's not like Megumi owns a lot of expensive stuff, so he's not that bothered.

He drove back to his house and was lucky that there's no traffic, so it only took him ten minutes.

He opened the main door using his key and immediately halted when the first thing that welcomed him was a knife, pointing at his neck.

His eyes quickly landed on the tall and topless guy. Megumi cleared his throat. "This is my house," and the guy pulled it away after Megumi showed him his house key.

The guy eyed him for a few seconds and closed his pocket knife before rubbing the back of his neck.

"My bad," he spoke.

Megumi was quite stunned at the guy's voice. It was deep and soft. What the heck? Megumi thought.

"My name's Megumi. I was the one who took you in, so chill," Megumi took his coat off before shutting the door behind him. "You just woke up?"

"Two hours ago," the guy simply replied, ruffling his hair and following Megumi to his room. "Thanks for taking me in, I guess..." he sat on the bed as he watched Megumi open the closet.

"No worries. By the way, can I ask you something?"

"Yeah. Go ahead."

"Why were you unconscious on the sidewalk? Were you sick? Did you collapse? Oh, and your name? Age?"

The guy gazed at him for a few seconds before letting out a soft chuckle. Megumi was flustered with the sudden action the other made. The guy's face looked scary but then he suddenly chuckled! Of course, Megumi would be surprised.

He's attractive, Megumi thought after closing his closet.

"The last thing I remembered was meeting someone I know and I wasn't sick. I also didn't know why I was unconscious on the sidewalk," he answered with a small smirk on his lips.

"Okay..." Megumi nodded his head, understanding what the guy said. "Your name?"


"And your age?"

"Why're you curious?" the guy, who introduced himself as Sukuna, inquired with a raised brow. "My age doesn't matter. Well, if you insist, tell me yours first."

"20," Megumi immediately answered with a frown. "Yours?"

Sukuna raised both of his eyebrows and leaned back a little with his hands on the bed supporting him. "22. A University student?"

bullets in your head | sukufushiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora