Dinner that followed was loud and lively, with many beers chugged down by nearly everyone. The food was delicious and a change from the scavenged meat and berries and roots we had been living off for quite some time now. I ate until I was more than full, for it was unknown when we would get to eat such food again.

My attention was soon caught by the drinking competition some of the men started, including Gimli and Legolas. The latter held up his first glass to me, and chugged it down in one go just as Gimli did.

"C'mon, lass! This is a celebration! And no celebration is complete without beer!" cheered Gimli, pushing a big mug of the frothing liquid to me.

"Thank you, Gimli, but no thank you. I'm not much of a drinker," I said, pushing the mug back to him.

Legolas reached for it before he did though and said, "Then I will drink in your stead."

"Being so chivalrous won't help you win, my elf friend!" It seemed the Gimli was already drunk, having finished a dozen mugs already.

Legolas was on par with him but didn't look in the slightest drunk. Elves were probably good at holding their liquor. It was amusing to me when Legolas, after two dozen beers, thought that he was finally being affected – his fingers were tingling. It was more than obvious that he was completely unaffected by the beers when we saw Gimli, whose state was that of anyone who was actually drunk. With a loud belch and a gruff, lopsided laugh, and fell back unconscious.

"Looks like you win, Legolas," I said to which he merely shrugged.

"Would you like to go for a walk, Leah?" he offered.


Standing and smoothing my dress, I followed after him, walking past the table on which Merry and Pippin were singing and dancing while drinking beer too. They were enjoying the celebration to their heart's content, and it was only right for them to do so after all they had gone through and what they would go through after this joyous night had passed. Speaking of which, they were yet to narrate their great adventure to me. We'd have a lot of time on our journey and I was sure I would hear it from them then.

The streets were lively, the locals celebrating the victory as much as we were. But some streets were empty and calm, and it was on those that we tread in silent company. We knew this was the calm before the storm but it was a moment of comfort nonetheless.

"You did not drink at the celebration," spoke Legolas, his gaze on me.

I met his azure eyes with a small smile as I answered, "It's not a taste I'm fond of."

With a slow nod, he looked ahead. "You have changed – you are much different from what you were when we first met."

"I suppose I have changed...but I think it is for the better."

"I'm certain it is," he reassured, smiling a rare smile. My fists clenched at the skip in my heartbeat. Clearing my throat, I averted my eyes but stopped walking to look back at Legolas when I noticed that he had come to a halt. My questioning gaze had him answer, "You have become stronger too, in heart and body. Watching your journey is inspiring."

"You flatter me, Legolas," I said with a short chuckle. "There's nothing impressive about my journey. Nothing interesting, even."

"Nay, you give yourself too less credit."

Something in me stirred again, from his words and his expression. A strong desire to have my hand held by him again, to be closer not just physically but at a spiritual level overwhelmed me. The depth of his eyes that glistened in the moonlight made me ever slightly breathless, my body tensing more. Goose bumps that roused on my arms had me look away from him and rub my arms in an attempt to regain some composure. It did not help much though.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2022 ⏰

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