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A/N: My new idea! This tells us about the kids in uni. They are 21/22 years old and the best of friends. But only few of them know who Jim Lake is.

It has been bugging me for weeks and I wanted to write it down already. Soo, here's the first part!

Ring Ring Ring

"Alright, that's all for today. Don't forget the groupwork project due next week!" the old professor told his class, who were already packing their things and probably only half-listening to him, due to his way of dragging a lot of things including his lectures and the way he talks.

"Fucking finally!" Toby said, after walking out through the door of the class. "The four down, one to go, and then its the fucking weekend! What are we gonna do now?"

"Well, I wanna finish that assignment Professor Uhl gave us. The one about some ancient war that happened in the twelfth century," Claire replied.

"Oh, that one. I don't feel like doing it at all, considering it's a myth, to be honest. But Uhl's got a reputation if you don't hand in his work," Toby said, as they were met by Mary, Steve and Darci.

"Hey, buttsnacks!" Steve greeted the two.

"Hey Steve," Claire and Toby said in unison. The latter's eyes lit up when they fell on Darci.

"Hey Darci," Toby greeted approaching her. She smiled at him.

"Hey TP," she replied and the two shared a quick kiss. The onlookers looked somewhat disgusted.

"Urgh, you two are sickeningly sweet, Imma throw up," Mary announced, making Claire snicker.

"That's a bit rich, don't you think?" she replied, and the group were howling in laughter. Mary wasn't, as she glared at the girl who made the comment.

"Shut it Claire-bear."

"So, what's our plan for the rest of the day?" Steve asked.

"Well, the first is to find Eli and Hank. They should have been out some time ago," Darci stated. As soon as she finished, two other people came to join them.

"Hey guys," Eli greeted the group, Hank gave them a smile and a wave.

"Hey you guys!" What took you so long?" Toby asked.

"Oh, Eli and I needed to clarify something with Professor Janeth about the topics she is going to give in a test next week. Oh, and also Claire, Mary, she wants to see you guys tomorrow, just for a short while," Hank said.

"Ughh, it's definitely about the play. Thanks, anyway Hank," Claire said. The boy didn't replied her. His eyes were laid on someone else.

"Hey," Mary said, getting closer to Hank.

"Hey," he replied, taking her into his hands, both leaning in closer to each other.

But before their lips could meet, Steve shouted out.

"Oh, please! Not here!" he exclaimed, the group starting to laugh again. They knew what these lovebirds would do if no one stopped them. They said lovebirds just rolled their eyes.

"Wait, don't we have practice today?" Hank asked Steve.

"Nope, Coach gave us off, knowing we are going to lose next week, no matter how much we train," Steve replied.

"What's wrong with the football team?" Darci asked.

"Well, Steve and I are the teams attacking duo, but we are missing that creative spark that should play behind us. The others can't really set us up to score the goals we need, and their out-of-position causes us to concede. Every single fucking time," Hank explained.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Jan 12, 2022 ⏰

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