Chapter 10: Hello The Four Lords

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(a/n - double chapter for y'all! Last chapter was just barely getting into everything so I want to put out another chapter of where it gets a bit more exciting)

You turn to your dad and ask "this is happening again, isn't it?". Your dad sighs and bows his head, "yeah I guess so". "But what do we get out of it this time?! Rose?" you scream, clearly irritated. Your dad turns to you angry and says "hey watch it y/n! That's your sister". "I didn't want a fucking sister!" you scream as your eyes well up with tears. "I didn't ask for any of this! I mean how could you possibly fucking think that it was the right time to have another kid! When you can't even take care of your first one properly anymore" you say as your voice breaks a little. "Y/n that's not fair and you know it" your dad replies. "yeah well neither was springing a fucking pregnancy on me without even asking how I felt first! Or the Dulvey situation?! You can't have a baby just to cover up what happened!" you scream and hit his chest. He backs away from you to let you cool down. You sink to the ground and breakdown, you play with your matching bracelet to calm you down. "We lost mom because of it" you say as you feel your heart break. You take some deep breaths and wipe your tears. "You want to do this then yeah fine let's fucking do it" you say and stand up, walking back towards the doors. Your dad sighs and follows behind you. When you get out of the field you see the old lady again. "Death. Yes. Death has visited them all!" she says and laughs creepily. You just ignore her and walk off. Your dad catches up with you and puts the crests into the door and fiddles with them until they fit the right way. The doors open and you walk through to see a drawbridge. When you get into the entrance it looks more like a cave than a castle. It's dimly lit and eery. You made it to a room full of wooden crates. You tried to go through a door but it was locked so you went over to the big door that needed a lever to open it. Your dad went to pull the lever but stopped when you heard a deep male voice say "well, well. Didn't think anyone was left! You must be pretty tough, huh?". He had a big weapon and could make metal levitate, something new you hadn't seen before. "Who the fuck are you?" your dad asks. "Oh, you're not local! Even better" he said. Then your dad got pierced through the torso with a metal pole. He went to walk towards your dad but you got in his way and punched him in the face. He laughed at this and used his powers to entrap you in metal. "Mother Miranda's gonna love you!" he said and laughed more. You flew into darkness. You awoke to a bunch of people talking. You turned to see you dad still passed out, you then looked to all of the people talking. You saw a very tall woman smoking, a small looking doll with a wedding dress on, the witch looking lady from earlier that killed lulian (you'd have to thank her later), a big gross looking creature and the guy from earlier with the deep voice. "Whelp I hate to interrupt this lovely conversation but, what the fuck is going on?" you question. They all look to you and the guy with the deep voice laughs. "I like this one, can we keep him?" he asks. "Please be my guest, I don't have a life anymore anyways" you say and shrug. The guy keeps laughing until the tall lady kicks him with her long legs. "Shut up Heisenberg!" she says. "Woahh, dope name" you say. "Alright that's enough!" the witch lady says. You roll your eyes and shut up, they continue their conversation. Soon your dad finally starts to wake up. "The man is of no real use to anyone else. And my daughter's do so love...entertaining foreigners. Furthermore, I can assure you if you entrust the mortal to House Dimitrescu, my daughter's and I shall deliver to you the finest cups of his slaughtered blood" the tall lady was saying. The doll and the smelly creature were staring at your dad. "Out of the way, ugly! I want to see -- oh! He's awa-aake!" the doll said excitedly. Heisenberg snapped and said "both of you, shut the fuck up!". Your dad began to question where he was and what happened. Heisenberg continued and said "you mean you'll screw around with him in private, and where's the fun in that? Give him to me and I'll put on a show that everybody can enjoy. The tall lady argued back, "oh, so gauche. What do we care for bread and circuses? The manthing's suffering is assured, regardless". "Yack, yack. And if a man's dick is cut off in the castle -- blah, blah, blah!" Heisenberg said and the creature next to him began to laugh. The witch, who seemed to be the leader, said "I've heard all your arguments. Some of you were less persuasive than others, but... I've made my decision. Heisenberg, the man's fate is in your hands, do what you want with the kid". The tall lady got up, clearly pissed and said "Mother Miranda, I must protest! Heisenberg is but a child, and his devotion to you is questionable. Give the mortal to me, and I will ensure he is ready". "Shut your damn hole and don't be a sore loser! Go find your food somewhere else" Heisenberg said, arguing back with the tall lady. It didn't affect her though and she said "quiet now, child! Adults are talking". "I'm the child? You're the one who's arguing with Miranda's decision!" Heisenberg fought back. "You wouldn't know responsibility if it was welded to that hammer!" she rebutteled. "Oh, keep going, one day your head might actually fit your ego!" he spat. "All of you shut the fuck up!" you screamed. "Goddamn you're all acting like a bunch of immature children, hell you might as well be 10 year olds!" you said. Mother Miranda said "the boy is right. My decision is final, there will be no argument. Remember from whence you came!". Heisenberg got excited and you noticed as lycans began to surround the room. "Lycans and gentlemen, we thank you for waiting! And now let the games begin! Let's see what you're really made of Winters. Get ready!" Heisenberg said and slammed his hammer down. He started counting down as you both got to your feet. You saw a hole in the floor and jumped down it with no hesitation, your dad came shortly after you. You walked past some wooden walls where lycans were trying to get to you. You hear Heisenberg's voice come over a loud speaker, "that's right! Run for your life!". Your broke some wooden planks with your foot to get through the path. You jumped down and onto a narrow path. "very nice Y/n, Ethan!" Heisenberg said. Just then a big lycan jumped down and swung his hammer at your dad. You pushed him out of the way though and it hit you instead. He broke the rock and you both slid down a tunnel and landed hardly on a solid floor. There was a gate and lycans outside of it with torches. You looked up and saw a spike ceiling. "You're both still alive? Impressive..." you heard. Your dad helped you up and you made your way over to some boards that you saw light through. You ripped them off of the wall and crouched to crawl into the pathway. You had evoided the spikes in the process. You ran through the path as Heisenberg spoke again "haha! My word, you both truly are as strong as they say! Oh, you didn't think I'd let you get away, did you?" You saw a hole in the wall and crouched down on one side and your dad on the other. Heisenberg kept talking, "gotta keep Donna and Moreau entertained! So, now it's time for the beautiful, blood-soaked grand finale! Hahaha! Nothing like fresh American ground beef!". The only thing the spikes did was cut your chains, they soon stopped and you were safe for now. You crawled under them and your dad said "that was too close, way too close". You walked out of the room and you came to a hole in the wall the you crouched into. You came to a door and unlocked it, it was the same door that you found earlier before Heisenberg caught you. Your dad pulled the lever to open the door. It opened very slowly. The stair case brought you to a new part outside. You walked up the hill and saw some sort of cart. It opened and there was a guy sitting in it, he said "I've been waiting for you, Winters family". "How do you know our last name?" your dad asked him. "Anyone who is anyone has heard of the likes of you. Two heroes searching for one's daughter and the others sister. Though I must say, that castle arouses suspicion" the guy said. "Yeah, and so do you" you say back to him. He laughs and says "I am but a humble merchant". "Here?" your dad asks. "Forgive my manners, call me the Duke. Now to business. Weapons, ammunition, healing salves- Anything you desire, I can provide" he says humbly. Your dad buys you a handgun for you to use. You look at it and feel the world stop around you. Flashbacks from your past start flooding in. Using the gun on Eveline, killing your first monster. You then think of your mom. How it felt to finally be in her arms on that boat. Things soon went to shit again but just for that tiny split second, you felt whole again and you'd do anything to get that feeling back. To get your mom back. You remember how it felt for her to shove you out of the room and slam the door in your face, just to protect you. It felt like your heart was ripped out of your chest, you weren't sure if you'd ever see her again. You remember your mom's face, the way that she looked. The way her voice sounded, you remembered it all. And it felt so real, like you were right back in that moment. You wished you were, because at least you still had her, at least she was still there. You'd go through that night all over again if it meant you could get her back, if it meant you could feel her arms around you one last time, if it meant you could hear her say she loved you even if you'd never get to hear it again. You'd go through it all, to get your family back. Tears welled up in your eyes and soon they were streaming down your face. Your dad rubbed your back and it snapped you out of your flashbacks. You wiped your tears and held the gun firmly. You thanked the Duke and looked at the doors that stood ahead of you. You were determined and you were ready, for whatever laid ahead, because nothing could ever beat what you've already been through and you wouldn't let it scare you anymore.

To be continued...

Ethan and Mia Winters x Male Child ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now