13 x reader: angst

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I raced through the large building, hand in hand with The Doctor. She laughed as we both dodged bullets, our ears filled with the sound of gunshots.

" Come on, Y/N! Only a little way to the Tardis! "

" God Doc, you and that box of yours! I swear she wants us to end up in trouble-"

I felt all the blood drain from me, and a burning feeling at my stomach. The next thing I knew, I was on the ground, and a scream was making its way out of my throat.

All sound seemed to disappear, and all there was was pain.

Pain pain pain pain pain pain pain pain pain pain pain pain pain pain pain pain pain pain pain pain pain pain pain-

" Y/N! NO! "

I opened my eyes to meet the horrified brown ones in front of me. I choked out a sob as I realised I'd probably never see them again. Within a second she was ontop of me, her hands making their way through my hair reassuringly, and her face buried in my neck as she sobbed.

" D-Doctor... You have to run. Please, just run. Run for me. One last time, eh? "

I whispered into her hair. She shook her head, and pulled away from me, her beautiful eyes looking over me.

" Never. I got you... Come on.. "

She said, and pulled me up until she was holding me bridal style. If I wasn't dying in her arms, I'd have made a wedding joke right now.

My sweaty hands were wrapped around her neck as she ran with me. I felt like being sick, and my limbs felt like they were made of led. The headache building up wasn't helping either.

" Doc... "

I said, my voice solemn. She ignored me.

" Doc. "

I repeated myself. No answer.

" Doctor! "

I shouted as best as I could, and she finally met my gaze. I could tell it was breaking her heart to see me like this. My nails were starting to turn blue and I was only just holding onto consciousness.

" I'm not going to make it. I can tell, Doc. Please... Just put me down. Just run. And don't forget me. Never forget me. "

I whispered. She sobbed and held me tighter, before looking up, biting her lip determinedly, and running even faster. I could feel her two hearts beating so fast they might burst.

The pain was unbearable, and I was fighting with myself to stay conscious. I knew I was dying. Funny thing was, I used to believe I'd never die. That, someway or another, I'd just keep going. But here I was, dying in the arms of the woman I loved. Wow, finally, on my death bed, I was able to admit it to myself.

I heard the click of the Tardis doors opening, and almost believed I had a chance. But then, I coughed hard, and blood flew out of my mouth. Dark blood. Not good. Very not good. Very very not good.

My blood was staining The Doctors coat, right through onto her top. But she didn't care, and threw off her coat as she raced through the console room, into the corridors of The Tardis. The Tardis, who must have realised it was a emergency and made the med bay easy to get to.

" Thank you old girl! "

She whispered as she burst into the Med Bay, and placed me down on a bed. She began gathering everything she'd need to heal me. A orange tub with a strange glowing paste in it, a small jar with some pills, and two bottles with bright pink liquid in them.

She turned to me, and watched me for a second, as if she was figuring out the best way to help.

" You're going to have to take that top off! "

She said, and I gasped. She seemed to realise that what she'd just said was not going down well in my dirty mind. She rolled her eyes and laughed softly.

" Not like that. "

I winced as I pulled my blood stained blue top off, so the wound on my stomach was exposed. Along with my boo-

" See! Told ya I was gonna die. "

I said cheerfully, which earned a glare from the Doc. The Doctor looked at me with a frown on her face, before turning away, and grabbing a load of the glowing paste, before smearing it on the wound. It stung a little, and I bit my lip to stop from swearing.

The Doctor got some gauze, and wrapped the wound up. When she was done, she handed me the jar of pills and the pink liquid.

" Drink the entire bottle with two of those pills. It should numb the pain. "

I did as she said, and sure enough the pain was numbed. I leaned back in the bed, and closed my eyes. My life was flashing before me, and I was only just realising what a prick I'd been. Brilliant, on my death bed, and I'm getting the guilt trip from myself.

" You're going to make it, Y/N. I know it. And once you're done healing, I'm gonna take you to see the stars. I know, I've shown you so many things, but I promise this time I'll take you somewhere I know is definitely safe. I promise... "

I slipped away to the sound of The Doctors voice. I knew it wasn't sleep though, and before I was completely gone, I said goodbye. Goodbye to my wonderful, wonderful doctor.

" I love you, Doctor. Thank you.. For showing me the stars... "

I could hear the distant sound of her crying, and then there was blackness.


Doctors Pov:

I had taken Y/N back to their family. They had been heartbroken, but had understood there was nothing I could do to have saved them. But I still believed I could have. I kept telling myself, as I walked to the Tardis, that if I'd have been faster, If I'd had gotten the right medication, I could have saved them.

I made it to The Tardis doorway, and looked back at the L/N families house. Through the window, I could see their pale body laying on the couch as their family crowded around them. I opened the Tardis door and went inside.

" Hello, old girl. Where to next?-"

I was cut off by something being thrown at my head. I winced, and picked up the offending object. A... Tape? I placed it inside the small cd slot in the Tardis console, and watched carefully, as a hologram came into view. And my heart soared.

" Y/N! "

I yelled, and rushed towards them.

" Hello? Is this thing on? I hope it is.. Right! To the point. Doctor, I've asked the Tardis to give you this when I've... When I've passed. I just wanted to say some things that I might not have gotten to say. "

I felt tears in my eyes as their voice filled the console room once again. I listened closely to what they were saying.

" Thank you. Thank you for taking me with you. Because, Doc, I would not be the person I am if it wasn't for you. Also, Don't feel bad now I'm gone. Hell, go find someone new to travel with! And please, from me, tell them how lucky they are. "

There would never be another like them. I would never feel the way about anyone, as I had felt about them.

" Now, Doctor, it's time to say goodbye. So, run. Run my beautiful star girl, and think of me. Think of me every time you see the stars we've watched. Because, where ever I'm going, I promise I'll be thinking of you. "

Tears fell down my face, but I didn't care. I was so happy, yet so sad. Everything was so confusing, but so clear.

" Oh... I think you're shouting on me now... Well, goodbye my space girl... Go see the stars for me. "

And then they were gone. The hologram had ended. I fell onto my knees, and sobbed. I don't know how long for, but I sobbed. I finally got up, and determinedly looked at the console. Then I smiled.

" Well Y/N... Lets see what the universe has got in store for us now.. "

With that, I pulled the lever, and took a deep breath. Who knew what would happen now...

Doctor Who: Oneshots, Imagines. Preferences (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now