13th Doctor Oneshot: You confess your feelings

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I like the Doctor. Wait, no, like is too light a term. Like is how you describe your favourite biscuit, not how you describe someone who makes your heart flutter the way she does with me. I love her. But I could never say that to her.

" Everything alright, Y/N? "

I jump slightly, and look up to see her warm eyes looking at me. Yaz, Ryan and Graham had left to explore. I could tell her.

" No. Not really Doc. "

She frowned, and immediately walked up to me, flicking some buttons on the console will walking.

" Are you sick? You do look quite pale... Or are you hungry? We can go get food if you want! "

She said, her eyes sweeping over me. Like, well, a doctor, she always wanted to fix things. I smiled softly at the idea.

" Doctor, have you ever been in love with someone who didn't love you back? "

I said the words so quickly I didn't have time to think. She paused, then smiled reassuringly.

" Of course. I can't remember it, but I'm very sure I have. "

I jumped when I realised she had placed her hand on mine, and was rubbing her thumb over my knuckles comfortingly. I took in a breath, and before I could stop my self, I had said it.

" Doctor, I love you. I love you so much, and you're all I think about. It drives me mad, that I can't do a simple thing without thinking about you. And I know you can't love me because I'm human, but I just have to tell you. "

Tears had fell out of my eyes, and were running down my cheeks. The Doctor looked stunned. I held my breath waiting to see what she would do. Had I ruined our friendship? I didn't think I could live with myself if I had.

" Y/N, I love you too. I'm so sorry you felt you had to hide this. "

She said softly, wiping the tears from my cheeks. I smiled shakily.

" so you're not gonna make me leave? "

I asked, looking into her eyes. She shook her head, and her blonde hair moved with it, shimmering in the mechanical lights of the control room.

" Absolutely not. I would never do that to you. I love you, Y/N, but I never told you.. I guess I was afraid to let myself feel things for a human. You know how time lords live way longer than humans. I didn't want to lose you. "

She looked so worried, i placed my hand on her cheek gently, brushing the hair from her eyes.

" You're never gonna have to lose me. No matter what the universe throws at us, we'll find a way. I know we will. "

I lent close to her, and pressed my lips against hers softly. I didn't know anything about the universe, but I knew it sure as hell wasn't taking me away from my Doctor.

Doctor Who: Oneshots, Imagines. Preferences (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now