Chapter Thirty-Two: The Missed Opportunity

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Zhao Yunlan was only half-listening as Sheng gave the details of all of the arrests the night before, and the plans to pick up the rest of the gang members later that day.  He'd had a lot of time to think while Shen Wei was lying unconscious, but it still wasn't long enough.

How did he feel about the fact that Black Robe and Shen Wei were the same person?  He didn't quite know.  He was upset that the professor had lied to him, but he wasn't necessarily upset about the fact that the two men he felt the most drawn to happened to be one and the same.  If anything, it was almost a relief, although it made his blood boil to think of all the times the academic had put himself in danger.  But why had Wei not trusted him enough to tell him the truth?  It was all way too complicated.

Still, they would have time to talk it out when he went back to the hospital that afternoon.


Shen Wei looked up as the door to his hospital room opened.  It was Yunlan's father.

"I brought you some painkillers and a course of pills to stave off any potential infection.  Follow the dosage instructions for two weeks."

The patient smiled gratefully.

"Thank you.  I'm so sorry to have put you to all this trouble."

"It's not a problem.  My gunshot repair skills were a little rusty.  It was good to get some practise in."

Shen Wei scoffed.  It seemed that Yunlan's irreverent sense of humour ran in the family.

Zhao Xinci sat down on the side of the bed.

"Seriously though, how are you feeling."

The professor sat up and winced at the sudden pain that lanced through his abdomen.

"I've felt better," he admitted.  "But it's manageable."

"Okay, well you'll need to take it easy for a while.  Bed rest for the next few days, and after that no strenuous activity.  I won't be impressed if I have to patch you up a second time."

"I understand."

There was a brief silence while the doctor decided how he was going to phrase his next words.

"I must admit," he began, "it was a bit of a surprise to find out that you're the person who's been all over the news for the past year.  Black Robe isn't it?  I'm afraid I didn't pay that much attention at the time."

When Shen Wei did not speak, he continued.

"From the look on my son's face when he took off your mask, I'm betting that he didn't know about it either."

"No one knew," was the eventual response.  "You two are the first."

"I'm honoured."  Xinci raised an eyebrow.  "Although I appreciate that it wasn't your intention for us to find out that way."

"No," Shen Wei said, sadly, "and now I think I've ruined everything."

"I wouldn't necessarily say that.  But Yunlan might need some time.  Contrary to how he comes across, he feels everything deeply.  He probably won't be upset about the fact of who you are, but he will be upset that you kept it from him.  Trust is very important to my son."

"I do trust him," the professor insisted.  "I was just worried about putting him in a difficult position if he knew.  Not everyone at Dragon City Police Department approves of my other identity's nocturnal activities.  But I understand if he feels he can't trust me anymore."

Xinci patted the other man on the leg through the hospital blanket, before getting to his feet.

"Don't be too downcast.  I have a feeling that everything will work out."

Shen Wei nodded, but he was not convinced.  He was still not convinced several hours later, and instead found himself growing more and more nervous about Zhao Yunlan's impending return.  When he looked at the clock and saw that it was approaching eight in the evening, his apprehension turned to resignation.  It looked as though the detective had decided not to come.  He could not blame him, even though it made his heart physically ache.

He slowly got to his feet and reached for the pile of clothes on a chair next to the bed.  The waistband of the trousers was damp, as though someone had tried to sponge it clean, but not so wet as to be unwearable.  He pulled the garment on with more than a little difficulty.  His polo neck was gone, but that was not surprising.  Luckily, his coat was there, and it was big enough to wrap around the upper half of his body to hide the hospital gown.  Then, after slipping his feet into his shoes and grabbing his baseball cap, he made his way out of the room and down the hallway, passing only a couple of seemingly disinterested hospital staff on the way.


Zhao Yunlan looked up at the clock on the wall.  Ten to eight.  It was later than he would have liked, but Shen Wei could probably do with the extra recuperation time.  With any luck, he could make his escape in the next five minutes and get back to the hospital.  He forced himself to focus on the words on the page in front of him.  He made a couple of small manuscript amendments, then signed the bottom of the paper.  He was satisfied that it was an accurate account of what had happened the previous night.  Then, he called out to his second-in-command.

"Zhu Hong.  I'm done reviewing the typed statement.  Can you have Guo Changcheng scan it in and send it across to Sheng?  I've got to go."

Without waiting for a reply, he grabbed his coat and headed for the exit.

Twenty minutes later, he was striding down the hospital corridor towards Shen Wei's room.  Taking a deep breath to calm his nerves, he opened the door and went in.


Zhao Yunlan scanned the scene.  The room had been cleaned, and there was no trace of its former occupant.  It was as if he had never existed.  He spun around, his eyes wide with fear.  Had there been a complication with Shen Wei's recovery?  Some sort of infection perhaps?

"Don't panic.  He walked out of his own accord."  Zhao Xinci appeared in view.

"When?"  Yunlan demanded.

"I don't know.  A few people saw a handsome man in a baseball cap and a black coat leaving a little while ago, but they don't recall what time exactly."

"And no one stopped him?"

"Why would they?  They didn't know he was a patient.  He's not on the system, remember?"

"Argh!"  The detective ran his hands through his hair in frustration.

"Don't worry," the doctor reassured his son.  "He's a sensible young man and I've given him all the medication he needs.  He'll take care of himself."

"I know.  It's just that we didn't get a chance to talk about..." he gestured randomly in the air, "any of this."

"And what would you have said to him if he was here?"

Yunlan went completely motionless.  The truth was, he did not know.  Even though he'd had time to think about it, he still did not know.

"I thought as much," his father said.  "Perhaps it's for the best.  But don't leave it too long."  With that bit of advice, he turned around and made his way out of the room, leaving his son alone with his thoughts.

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