It seemed to be the end of the conversation, Xie Lian still placed at Jun Wu's right side. It wasn't until he saw Jun Wu's position change in his peripheral that anything would happen. The Heavenly Emperor placed two fingers on his temple. Was he receiving a call by chance?

After a moment of silence, he stood up from his seat. "Come, Xianle. I will escort you to your palace. Ling Wen just informed me its completed."

It was constructed so fast? The Crown Prince had a difficult time believing it. It was almost as if Jun Wu expected him to ascend, otherwise this would have taken at least a few weeks in planning alone. "My lord, I am capable of walking over myself," Xie Lian stated. "But I appreciate the offer."

"Do you think I am not aware Xianle can walk on his own?" Jun Wu raised his eyebrow, leading the way out of his seat. "I simply want to send you off. Who knows how long you will need to think things through? Besides, you have a track record of not keeping in contact with me already."

... right. After his first banishment, he promised Jun Wu he'd keep in regular contact. That promise aged poorly.

And so Xie Lian followed Jun Wu through Martial Deity Avenue, towards his new palace. The streets were quite busy with Heavenly Officials running all over the place. Those that recognized Jun Wu would stop and bow out of respect, and those who recognized Xie Lian would silently freeze up with their mouths wide open. It seems they didn't expect the Crown Prince to make a second ascension this quickly, nor to be walking in such proximity to Jun Wu. Nevertheless, those that would look even closer would find more questions when seeing the cursed shackle bound to Xie Lian's neck.

The walk was not far from the Grand Martial Hall at all. In such a close proximity, Xie Lian wouldn't be surprised if he was able to see Jun Wu every day. But eventually they reached the palace entrance.

It was nostalgic. Not only was it large, but it was an exact replica of the palace he had when he first ascended. He wasn't sure if he should laugh or cry.

"Xianle, are you not grateful?" Jun Wu raised his eyebrow.

"I-I appreciate the palace, I do. I just don't think I am worthy." Though he was about to reccomend a much smaller palace, he could sense the disappointment from his Heavenly Emperor. And so he bowed his head. "I hope to be someone worthy of such graciousness in the near future."

This seemed to satisfy Jun Wu. "Good answer."

After bringing him inside, Jun Wu left the Prince of Xianle to his own devices in his palace. In his isolation, he will have much needed time to sort everything out.  And so he took his sweet time. Days, weeks, the amount of time he spent just sitting down in thought was beyond him. But he couldn't say having all this time didn't help at all.

He was trying to treat Jun Wu as he always had with utmost respect, but knowing he was also the White Calamity changed his perspective significantly. What is Jun Wu to him now?

Maybe thinking about it was pointless, and the Heavenly Emperor was right to criticize his decision to descend just because of this. What really matters is how this impacts the future. Xie Lian has plenty to think about there. If Jun Wu is going to claim Xie Lian killed the White Calamity, no one could possibly deny it. There were no other Heavenly Officials present to know the truth. And as long as Jun Wu never makes an appearance as the White Calamity ever again, he was safe from being exposed. This doesn't mean he was ok with it. He killed off an entire colony for petty revenge, and he's left with a reward?! Additionally his reward was Ascension, something hundreds of thousands of people attempt and fail over entire lifetimes? The absurdity of this made him forget the weight of what he did in Yong'An entirely. It was not normal.

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