Quinn, Fifteen

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Fall 2021

I got the fucking job!

Literally the only thing I needed to get over to feel normal again was being able to have Kessler actually inside me. Which don't get me wrong, everything else we've been doing has been fucking amazing. I don't think I've ever felt this...good. I guess orgasms will do that.

The boys started at the daycare on the ranch a few days ago with Mya. I started working this week, like literally just walked out of the building after my first week there.

We were all celebrating tonight, with a babysitter for all the kids set up at Mya and Kooper's house the rest of us headed to Taylor's bar to enjoy some adult time.

Little did I know there was a huge plan in place.

"Why are you acting so shifty?" I looked over at Kessler, he looked so handsome in a button down and jeans, one hand on the steering wheel of his truck, fingers tapping, his other in my hand on the center console.

"I'm not acting shifty."

"You are." He glanced over at me and sighed.

"I'm all good. Just excited to get out with you."

"Mhm." I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Seriously, it's going to be a great night." He smiled pulling in and parking. He got out and walked around to help me out, since you know he's a gentleman and all. I still laugh about it because I didn't grow up like that or even with that happening, like ever. You were lucky if someone held open a door for you.

People up north are just rude.

Which is why I was never leaving Texas.

Well one of the many reasons.

Ya know, a main one being the man attached to my hand right now.

The one that's ordering us drinks from the bar.

The same handsome as fuck one that pulled my stool out and slid it back in once I sat down.

I rolled my eyes at him for that one but again it's how he was raised, so he just laughed it off, kissed my temple, and whispered in my ear 'get used to it or over it.' Which had me laughing all over again.

When the rest of the Abbott crew showed up the whole place got loud.

I mean there were a lot of them.

Mya made her way over to hug me and we started talking about how the boys did their first week at the daycare. Which was amazing by the way, apparently, they were adjusting quickly to having kids their age around them consistently, and were even making friends.

I realized I made an entirely different life for myself down here as I now stood talking with Taylor and Mya about, well, everything honestly. These two were my best friends, I was already close with Mya and adding Taylor just made us the best trio I could ask for.

I stared at my two best friends concerned when they both had goofy wide smiles plastered on their faces staring behind me. But when I went to turn around to see what they were looking at Mya grabbed my shoulders.

"I need to tell you something before you turn around."

"Okay?" I slowly stated still concerned with how she was acting.

"You're absolutely amazing. The strongest woman I have ever known in my entire life."

"Why are you being so weird?"

"Stop, I'm being serious. The things you've gone through, I couldn't even imagine what it was like. But how far you have come since all of that is inspiring. You, Quinn, are seriously the most amazing woman I know. I am so happy for you. I'm so happy you met Kessler, and the two of you are going to have an amazing future. Can you promise me something though?"

"What exactly is that?" I laughed shaking my head.

"Promise me, that when you turn around, you're thinking about your future. Not about you past. Promise me, that you're going to remember what you feel, not how you felt. Listen to your heart, not your head."

"Okay." I gave her a confused look.

"Promise Quinn."

"Mya, I promise I'll listen to my heart, and think of the future. But I don't know what that has to do with me turning around." I laughed.

"You will." She shrugged with a smile and tears rimming her eyes, as she nodded and spun her finger around. Still confused as hell, I turned around cautiously.

My eyes met Kessler's.

He was down on one knee.

Holding a ring between his thumb and pointer finger.

And smiling up at me.

His eyes were glassed over slightly.

My hands went to my mouth.

My eyes quickly filled with unshed happy tears.

I understood everything Mya was saying, and the entire bar disappeared as I stared at Kessler's beautiful eyes. I watched him closely as he ran his tongue over his lips.

"I love you, Quinn." My voice was gone.

I audibly gasped.

"Will you-"

I didn't let him finish.

I fell down on my knees.

Grabbed his cheeks.

And slammed our mouths together.

He laughed into the kiss and mumbled against my lips. "Marry me?" I nodded quickly letting the tears fall. I didn't think about it, my heart knew this was the man I was destined to be with.

"Yes, Kessler, I want to marry you." We both smiled and laughed into the messy kiss. He picked me back up to my feet, backed away taking my left hand in his and slipped the most gorgeous ring I've ever seen, onto my finger. I didn't even care what it looked like. I just wanted Kessler. All of him.

To the point where I literally pulled him out of the bar and to the truck, urged him to get in and drive, and literally jumped him the second we got home. Finally giving him all of me, and getting all of him.

Who knew someone as broken as I was could find someone that loves them unconditionally, no matter how many breakdowns I have Kessler is the man that will be holding my hand through every single one.

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