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Charlottes pov
Today's the day.

Both Auntie Madison and Madelyn said they'd take me if I wanted but Madelyn had a last minute shoot she had to do, which she was very apologetic for but I still had Auntie Madison. As I woke up, I just threw on some random sweatpants and a hoodie despite it being early summer.

As I walk downstairs, I'm met with Dad cooking pancakes. "Good morning sunshine! How are you feeling?" He asks, hugging me. I just shrug, "I don't even know" I say, honestly. I didn't feel emotions much recently. "Bails is picking you up soon. There's pancakes here for you. I understand if you don't feel like eating but please try to eat a little" he says and I smile, he was so understanding. I begin eating small bits of the pancake with syrup.

Soon enough, James joins us and we do our famous handshake. "What's up lil one" I say. "I'm going to play soccer with Finn and Izzy, do you wanna join us?" He asks. "I'm going out with Auntie Madison today but I would've loved to" I say and he just nods. "I'm so glad you're my sister, Charlotte" he says and I couldn't help but smile. "I love ya bro" I say, high fiving him.

"Dad?" I say and he looks at me, nodding. "I don't think I can eat anymore" I say honestly. I just wasn't hungry. "That's okay, thank you for eating something though" Dad says and finishes my pancakes off which makes me laugh a little. The doorbell rang shortly afterwards and I answered it to a smiling Madison.

"There's my baby" she says, hugging me. "You okay?" She asks and I nod. "I'll have a quick word with your Dad then we'll get going" she says and walks over to Dad. I can't hear what they're saying but Dad kept looking over to me concerned. "Take care of my baby" I hear him say to Madison before he walks over to me. "I love you, okay? I'm also proud of you. You're one strong woman, Char" he says and kisses my head before I get into the car with Madison whilst he waves goodbye to us.

"I'm nervous" I say, as we pull up to the abortion place. "I know you are. I'll be here holding your hand the whole time. That's what Aunties are for" She says. As soon as we get out of the car, she holds my hand tightly. I had to sign some paperwork which was difficult with my shaky hands but I managed. "After this, we can go get ice cream or something. You can choose" Auntie Madison says to me and I smile. I'm thankful she's here right now otherwise I'd be a mess.

"Charlotte Pankow?" The doctor calls and I nod. "Any family history of mental health issues?" The doctor asks and I nod, not wanting to go into detail. "Please explain Miss Pankow" He continues and I sigh, trying to catch my breath. Madison holds my hand tighter. "Erm well I'm adopted. But my biological parents both suffered from depression, addiction and bipolar to say the least" I say, getting flashbacks of stuff I wanted to forget forever. "Thank you" the doctor says, obviously not wanting to upset me more by question the family history.

30 minutes later, I was walking out. I was relieved I was no longer pregnant and I did feel guilty but I know the child would've had an even worse life with me as their Mom, especially at a young age. "Ice cream?" Madison asks as she begins driving. I nod quietly, I haven't said much. "Your favourite place near the beach we go" she says and drives to my favourite ice cream parlour down on the beach front. It's the first place Rudy brought me after he adopted me, just the two of us. The first time I felt loved.

"Do you wanna talk about anything?" Madison asks and I shrug, holding my tears in. I tried my hardest to not burst into tears at the flashbacks replaying in my head. Madison was still driving so I looked out the window, biting my lip trying to stop myself from breaking down. It was only seconds until we pulled up in the parking lot. I feel Madison put her fingers underneath my chin, turning my head to face her. I watched her facial expression as she saw the tears streaming down my face. "I've got you, you're safe" she says. She gets out the car and walks over my side, opening the car door and hugging me as I just sat in the passages seat.

"The flashbacks are happening. I can't stop them" I tell her. I knew I had to tell her and I trusted Auntie Madison with my life. "Do you want to talk about them?" She asks and I nod. "Can we get ice cream first?" I ask and she nods. We order our ice creams and find a private seating area looking out over the beach.

"I guess it's time to tell you" I say. "You don't ever have to. Only if you want to and you feel safe telling me" she says and I nod. "I am" I say and take a deep breathe. I don't think she's prepared about what she's about to hear.

"My Mom became a drug addict when I was 7 years old. My Dad was bipolar and an alcoholic and it got scary at times. There would be times he came home and just beat me. My Mom was my only safe place as a child until she got into drugs and became just like him" I start and Madison looks at me, sadly.

"They wouldn't let me do anything without them. I was 11 years old and I wasn't even allowed to get the school bus with my friends. It got real bad as I got older, I don't want to go into much detail but basically my Dad done stuff to me that no daughter should have to go through. My Mom overdosed when I was 13 and school found out about my Dad abusing me. I was in foster care for a few months until I became a Pankow. I don't even know why I said Mom and Dad, they weren't a proper Mom and Dad to me" I tell Madison. I haven't even told my Dad about this.

Madison just comes over to me and embraces me in the biggest hug. "I'm so sorry you had,to go through that Char. I promise you you're safe now" she says. She was crying so I wiped her tears away with my sleeve which makes her smile. "I'm sorry you didn't get the chance again to have a nice Mom. I promise me and your other Aunties will make it up to you" Auntie Madison says, referring to Madelyn and Mariah. "I love you" I say to my Auntie. "I love you too Kiddo. How about after this we go shopping for the Spain trip soon?" She suggests and I smile.

the other half of me - family first (chaselyn) sequel Where stories live. Discover now