Plane Ride

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Me and Charles started ahead, Erik falling back a little.

As we walked into the hangar, I was starstruck. It was ginormous! With huge planes, and other types of aircrafts.

Charles and Erik led me to the plane we will be flying in for the flight from England to New York. As I walked into the plane, I just stopped and stared. It was amazing!

It had a very small built in bar and very comfortable looking chairs and couches. Charles ushered me to keep moving, so him and Erik could come in too. "Sorry" I mumbled as I moved out of the way.

I went and sat down on the big couch and sunk right down. "Mmmm. It feels like I'm sitting on a cloud" I say tiredly.

I had almost fallen asleep from the long drive, when Charles sat beside me, making me pop my eyes open, slightly. "Tired, love?" "Yeah" I reply groggily. "You can sleep on the way if you want." Charles suggested. "Ok, thanks Charles." I reply, laying my head on his shoulder, practically asleep already.

I wake up about an hour and a half later, and find my head laying on a pillow, but Charles is missing. I look around to find him playing chess with Erik. I sit quietly and watch them play, eager to see who will win, since it looks like they are both very good chess players.

Eventually, the game ended and Charles won. I cheered for Charles and they both looked at me, just now realizing I was awake. "Well good morning love, how long have you been up?" He asked with his perfect smile. "Just long enough to see you win" Charles had a look of pride, while Erik had a look of slight sadness. "You did good too Erik" I said laughing a bit. He looked up with a bit more happiness in his eyes.

"Thank you, y/n" he said smiling. I sit up a bit more, then fully stand up "Is there a bathroom on this plane?" I ask them, "Oh, yes of course love, it's just over here" he said, leading me to the bathroom.

Once I was in the bathroom, I did my business, then when I was finished, I looked in the mirror and saw that my hair was all messed up and frizzy, and I had slight bags under my eyes. I quickly tried to clean myself up by combing through my hair with my fingers, then rinsing my face with cold water to wake myself up a bit more.

Once I looked a little more presentable, I came out of the bathroom I see Erik and Charles on the couch talking, Erik saw me, and finished up talking with Charles, "Would you like to play a game with me?" He asked gesturing to the chess board.

"I don't really know how to play, but ok" I go to sit down in the chair by the chess board, Erik on the other side. We start playing, and I realize I don't even know his mutation. "So what's your gift?" "I can manipulate metal" he says, then does an example by moving a coin out of his pocket with his powers, then moving it in between his fingers.

I watch, mesmerized by his powers, "Woah!" He looks at me, proud and smiling. He puts the coin back in his pocket and continues playing the game. Eventually, the game ends, unsurprisingly with Erik winning.

"Well maybe, if you taught me how to actually play, I would win?" I asked Erik. "I'll teach you how to play." Charles said from the couch. "Why don't you teach her how to play and then we go back and forth, teaching her tricks on how to win?" Erik suggested.

"Wonderful idea Erik" Charles said. For the rest of the plane ride, they taught me how to play chess, and tricks to win. It was pretty fun actually! I always thought chess was boring when I was little.

Word count: 673

Sorry it took so long to update, my mom took my phone away for a week🙄 And school is starting in a day, so it might take a while to update throughout the week.

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