One Too Many Insults

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It was one fine day for Mammon so far. Just strolling along the hallways of the House of Lamentation, no worries in his mind, rest assured.

{Mammon} Hm hm hm hmm🎵

{Mammon} It's been so nice not havin' those damn witches callin' to blackmail me these past two days. I wish every day could be like this..

Mammon stops in his tracks to look at Beelzebub exiting his room, freshly woken up. Mammon sighs before having a thought to himself.

{Mammon} Look at Beel there. It's like he's in some type of stupor. Must've just woken up. He didn't even notice me here...


And by just a few swift looks of his younger brother, Mammon had an idea, a stupid, awful idea.

{Mammon} Heh heh heh. So, he's plannin' on heading back to the kitchen to look for some more food, is he?

{Mammon} Heheh. I'll just sneak up and give him a little scare. That should wake him up!

And when he finished his scummy idea of a thought, scummy like him, he started to slowly creep up behind him.. he carefully, slowly approached Beelzebub, oh so carefully so he could fully see his plan go through until he stopped again when he had noticed something on Beelzebub.

{Mammon} Wait... There's somethin' poking outta his back pocket... looks like it's about to fall out... He's so sloppy like that....

After finishing his thought in his head, he decided to point it out for him since he was supposed to be a good big brother.. right?

{Mammon} Hey, Beel...

Before Mammon could finish his sentence there was a sudden yell..

{Leviathan} HEY!

Mammon jumped a little and looked towards where the shout was coming from.

{Mammon} Wh-What?!

{Leviathan} Beel look out! Mammon's trying to steal your wallet!

Mammon was just as shocked as Beelzebub probably was by what Leviathan stated, until he looked behind him to see Mammon.

{Beelzebub} Huh...? Oh...

{Mammon} Wait, WHAT?!

Mammon was shocked, and offended and tried to reason until his other brothers had suddenly appeared in his sight.

{Satan} What's all this commotion about?

{Asmodeus} Apparently our scumbag brother Mammon was trying to pick Beel's pocket.

{Mammon} D-Don't be stupid! Ya got it all wrong!

Mammon TRIED to reason with them, but he already knew word was out with his brothers and there was nothing to do other than at least attempt to defend himself. He knew he was on his own.

{Leviathan} Oh no, I don't think so! I saw it with my own two eyes! You snuck up behind Beel and quietly reached for the wallet in his back pocket! I watched you do it!

{Mammon} Whaddya mean?! No I didn't!

Mammon looked at Lucifer and immediately knew he was on the others' sides. He was done for.

{Lucifer} So, caught red-handed, eh? Give up, Mammon. It's over.

{Asmodeus} Just what I'd expect from one of the seven biggest scumbags in the Devildom!

{Satan} So, how exactly do you think we should execute him?

Mammon didn't know what to do, he knew his brothers thought of him as their lowly scumbag brother, but this situation felt different to him.

{Mammon} Execute me? Gimme a break! I wasn't tryin' to steal nothin'! I was just tryin' to let him know that there was somethin' that was about to fall out of his pocket! I was bein' nice!

Mammon kept on reasoning, but there was just no way to break them, to shatter them to believe him. He was starting to believe that he was far more scummy if all his brother's immediate thoughts to him trying to scare Beelzubub was him trying to rob his brother of his money.

{Leviathan} Yeah.. there's no way Mammon would ever be so nice when there was a wallet right in front of him, ripe for the stealing.

{Mammon} No, I'm being serious! I didn't even know it was his wallet!

{Leviathan} I know you're lying. That much is clear...

Mammon started to panic. He KNEW that he didn't try to steal, he truly didn't know that it was even a wallet to start with. This was no situation like the others. This time he truly felt neglected and on his own.

{Mammon} COME ON! I ain't lyin'! Hmph! Anyway, why would I try to steal from Beel, huh? He probably doesn't even have any money. I like to be efficient, you know? And that ain't efficient!

{Asmodeus} But you've broken into my room, stolen my stuff, and tried to sell it on an online auction site before, haven't you? If you ask me that seems less efficient than stealing Beel's wallet...

{Leviathan} Wait, I just remembered something! Yesterday I tried to buy the audiobook version of Hail the Coming of the Princess of Tantrums. But when I opened my wallet, there wasn't any money inside. And I know I put some in there. I bet that was Mammon, too!

{Mammon} WHAT?!

Mammon started to panic even more. He had no idea what to do. He just wanted to be nice for once to Beelzebub. How did it all come to this?

{Mammon} Come on, everybody! You can't take Mr. Dark-and-Moody's word on this!

{Lucifer} In that case, maybe we should have a vote to see who we believe is telling the truth, Levi or Mammon.

Mammon was 100% on board with Lucifer's idea. But after the vote, he suddenly remembered who he was to his brothers and felt like a fool.

{Mammon} Great idea! Let's do it!

{Lucifer} Everyone who believes Mammon, raise your hand.

Nobody raised their hand but Mammon himself.

{Lucifer} Everyone who believes Levi, raise your h-

{Asmodeus} Ooh! Me me me!

{Mammon} What th... don't act so excited!

Mammon took a quick pause to realize that every one of his brothers had their hands raised. His ego shattered and so did his heart. He had always moved on from scenarios like this so quickly, but this time, it hit a little to close to home to completely rip in heart into two. No one was on his side, no one.

{Mammon} Wait a minute... you're ALL raisin' your hands! SERIOUSLY?!

{Lucifer} Well, looks like it's unanimous: Mammon's guilty.

The shine and life in Mammon's eyes faded so quickly, just like his pride.

{Satan} So, what do you say we hold a public execution on the RAD grounds?

Mammon snapped. He let out a frustrated yell.

{Mammon} THAT AIN'T FUNNY! That's it, I've had it! I can't take havin brothers like you anymore! I'm leavin', and I ain't coming back! I mean it this time! And don't even bother comin' after me!

{Satan} Aww, he left.

{Beelzebub} What do we do?

{Lucifer} Let him go. He'll be back soon enough.

{Asmodeus} Yeah, you're right.

As Mammon ran, he realized that he knew that he's done this to his brothers before. And he came back every time because he believed that his brothers still had a sliver in their hearts, it didn't matter to him how small it was, that they still loved and cared for him. He wanted to believe that now, but as he shed his tears running away this time, this made him not want to go back, not ever again. He was convinced now that his brothers never even cared for him in the first place.

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