Chapter 19: Not Katy Perry

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Kim's POV

I got out of Kendall's embrace. He had spent the night at my place, and no, nothing had happened. He was still sound asleep like a little baby, and I didn't want to pull him out o f his dreams, so instead of waking him up, I left a kiss on his cheek, and got out and about to get ready for the day.

Halfway through my breakfast of a hurried toast and coffee, Kendall came stomping downstairs.
"Morning!" He yelled.
"Morning!" I chirped, smiling at the sight of how hot he managed to look even so early in the morning. Oh what the hell am I talking about? It's past ten.

"Someone's happy." I remarked as he began to open the cabinet looking for some cereal. He turned to look at me, hanging on the cabinet's door, and made a duck-face.
"It was you. Of course I’m happy." He said. I blushed.
"We're out of everything. Sorry." I said, making a guilty face and referring to the breakfast. He shrugged and sat down beside me on the island, and grabbed my other piece of toast. I stared at him in disbelief. He stuck his tongue out at me and chomped the little piece of bread down in minutes.

I shook my head and continued to eat mine.
"So, what're you up to today?" I asked.
"Can we do that again?" He asked, ignoring my question.
"Excuse me?" I asked, a surprised chuckle escaping me.
"What?" He asked, looking innocently at me. I gave him a look which he returned with another stuck out tongue in my direction. Wow, that sounds weird.
"Keep that tongue to yourself or - "
"Or what?" He asked, a huge smirk on his face.
"Ew!" I yelled and got up from the table. He laughed and grabbed my hand. He pulled me back to him and positioned both of his knees on either sides of my waist. No escape.

"I'm going shopping." I told him, unable to hide the smile in my voice, but he kept steadily glaring into my eyes. "Ken?" I called weakly as he began to leave kisses on my jaw-line.

"I'm going!" I laughed as he suddenly began to tickled my sides. But instead of letting me go, he picked me up and pulled me in his lap. "No need to go." He growled as he nibbled on my earlobe, his hands clutching my waist.

"Kendall, Christmas is a month away. Control yourself." I smirked, teasing him.
"Baby..." He whined.
"Baby..." I mocked him. "Come on, Kendo. Just one more month." I told him. "You waited eight years. What's a month more?" I winked and got out of his lap. He slapped my butt and let me go. I giggled like a school girl before I kissed he cheek and left the house.

'Memories'. I thought, smirking. Even three days later, the images were very fresh in my mind. It's not something to forget though, is it? Nope. But that night was - different. It was the best. Literally. Better than the one I had got signed, better than the night 'Angel' was #5 on iTunes for almost two weeks. It was different. I had never felt so good before. No one had ever made me feel the way Kendall did.

He was special.

So lost in my thoughts I didn't even realize where my feet were carrying me. I looked up to see I was standing two blocks away from Walmart. Remembering what I was doing out of the house in the first place, I continued to walk towards the place to get some shopping done.

But before I could even walk through the door, I was surrounded by a bunch of reporters, blocking all exits. I gave up trying to get away and decided to answer their questions.

"Kim! Is it true you're dating Kendall Schmidt?" What kind of a question is that? 
"Yes I am." I smiled happily.

"Do you still have feelings for Michael?" One of them asked.
"Oh, of course I do." I said sarcastically. "I mean, why wouldn't I? Even after he cheated on me!" My voice reeking of sarcasm. They let out a few hearty laughs. I raised my eyebrows as another one was fired at me. "What are your feelings for Kendall?"

"What do you mean?" I asked.
"Do you love him?"
"I do!" I grinned.

The nodded to each other, and after a few questions about the single, bid me a good day, and let me go. Fresh air. Aah.

I went inside grabbed a basket and filled it up with all kinds of junk food. If Kendall were here, he would've glared at me with those sexy green eyes, and put everything back. I swear that guy is so anti-junk food.

I opened the deep freezer to get a tub of chocolate chip cookie dough flavored ice cream, as I did so, I saw a couple of people behind me. Their reflection blurred and undefined. Black clothed people.

Why are the paps following me around, today? They usually just ask a bunch of questions and leave me alone, but why have they changed their ways to be more annoying than I already find them?

As if realizing I had seen them, they moved out of sight. What is going on?

I shook my head to clear it, and carried my things to the first open, less crowded counter. Even there, I felt like I was being watched. As if someone's eyes were glued to my back. I turned around, just in time to see the same group of people scurrying out of sight.

Okay some serious shit is going on here. I'm not Katy Perry, people, that you keep following me around, and bugging me. Nor Taylor Swift or Adele or Rihanna or someone super famous.

And just when I thought that, a weird sense of foreboding occurred to me. I did not like this ominous feeling. Why did it feel like something bad was going to happen?


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