Head canons

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Main characters 

Dream wastaken is a 17 year old boy that is 6,1 and a high school student that that goes to a school called chest wood high it is in the middle of Sydney and it is an incredible school that only excepts the best from teachers and students.Dream as two younger sisters and one younger brother that all  either go to his school or are to young to go.Dreams parents are quiet rich and Dream is soon to take over the company at the age of 25 (Dream is the new kid at school and does not know anyone so he keeps to him self.

Wilbur soot minecraft  is a 17 (in 4 months 18) boy that is very tall standing at a height of 6,5 and towers over most. He also goes to chest wood high and as one older brother and one younger brother that is so hyper he sounds and looks like he drinks coke all day long and only eats sugar. Wilbur does have farther but his mother works over seas and can't live with them ( they moved from England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 to Australia 🇦🇺 a few years ago and there mother can't loose her job so she stayed in England and comes to visit).

Sapnap is a black headed guy that is 5,11 and loves to play sports and hopes to one day become a professional athlete he is also only 17 (big hopes you got there buddy). Sap lives with his parents and is dating Karl Jacobs and has been for 2 almost 3 years. Sappynappy as no siblings and has no wish for any but he does own a pet dog 🐕 called dash and treats him like his sibling. Sapnap works at a beach called Bondi and gets paid well.

George notfound is a sweet and kinda shy ☺️ person that is only 5,8 and he is 19 and as been best friends with sapnap since he was ten and sap was eight. He stills keeps in touch as much as possible for a person that is soon to be pulled into some sort of universe of University's ( that he does not want to go too ). He also owns a dogs called Jager who is grey and a medium size.

Technoblade minecraft is a sweet but can be cold hearted person that has pink fluffy long hair that is normally up in a ponytail. Techno is a 22 year old English major and teacher that is 6'2 feet tall. Techno also owns a dog called floof that is small, white and 4 years old ( made that fact up myself don't think it is true). He also lives alone in a nice sized house 25 minutes from chest wood high.

Nikki Lee is a pink haired girl that loves flowers and is 5'5 and at the age of 17 she is only friends with a couple of people for example (soon to be Wilbur) James, Karl, minx and puffy. She lives with her parents and is 5 minutes from the school so she normally walks or rides her bike to school. Nikki also has a job at 'live to the fullest' and loves to make decorations for the cafe that is run a by a sweet family of 5 the brown family. 

James brown (my OC) is 18 and almost nine teen year old that had to repeat a year because his grades were not good enough for him to any good 😊 University that aren't on the other side of the country. He works part time at a cafe called "live to the fullest". He also goes to Chest wood high and loves sports and art.James is also 5,10 and lives with a sister who just came back from the uk after living there for 3 years for studying and college. She is 22 years old and as two dogs one is 7 months pregnant with 5 pups.

Side characters 

Tommy is a 14 year old boy that is 5'10 and goes to chest wood high and lives with Wilbur, Phil and there cousin ranboo who is 15 years old and stands at a height of 6,4.

Tubbo is a 14 year old boy that is very short he is only 5,7 and loves to play video games and he also lives with his brother Dream, and his two younger sisters (drista who is 12 and has dirty-blond hair and Lani who is 10 and has dark brown wavy hair).

Minx is 18 and is 6,1 and loves to go biking with her brother and dad. She lives with her brother, mom and dad.

Karl Jacobs is a 17 year old boy that has fluffy brown hair and is just a bit taller than sapnap (he is 6,1 but still a bottem) he also lives with is parents and has no siblings. Karl works as a part time babysitter and waiter for an amazing dinner place a couple blocks from the school.

Puffy is 19 and works at the cafe Nikki works at, she is also 5,9 and has blond fluffy hair.

(That's all the people I will be writing head canons for now so I do hope you enjoyed this all don't forget to check out my first shout out for the week I this book anyway).


(Check them out she is amazing and was my first follower love you so much and don't forget to give ideas I will try my best to write and publish them all. Also wanted to say that I do not live in Sydney but I have gone a couple times and will go off my experience there so yeah enjoy).

And guess what we got over 500 words so that's cool 😎 and the word count right now right this second is the amazing 969.

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