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On the eighth side,

Ji Qing fainted and was frightened by Chen Caixing's remarks about cutting off the glands. After waking up, I sat on the sofa and didn't say anything to stop him. He just cried and cried with red eyes, "I'm all to blame. If I'm not O, you won't be O, so you don't have to be wronged...

" In fact, there is no harm, I checked, it is a simple minor operation." Chen Caixing explained.

Ji Ching did not listen, tears out of the pit, very sad to say ︰ "No glands, all my fault all my fault, I killed you, I'm sorry you are the stars."

Pair of sad I don't know the appearance of Ji Qing's glands.

Chen Caixing eats soft but not hard. If it is the kind of thing that relies on the status of an elder to interfere with him, the words say no, no, no, Chen Caixing comes up with strength, anyway, it is the cheap elder, first give you a beating, and then cut it off. . But facing Ji Qing's crying and sad look, she was helpless for a while.

He wants to tell Ji Qing that cutting off the glands is really good once and for all, only good.

But when he mentioned it, Ji Qing couldn't cry, and she fainted again after a short period of water shortage.

Chen Caixing has never seen a big man cry so sad, and Lihua Daiyu is soft and weak just wanting to be protected.

"Don't cry, I will think about it." Chen Caixing comforted Ji Qing, bald by the way.

The ABO body setting is not fake. Chen Caixing has not come to the estrus-estrus period yet, but he has learned from health knowledge that when the O estrus-estrus period comes, there is no inhibitor control, completely instinct controls the body, and his thinking is not at all worthwhile. Just thinking about that stuff, and it's very lasting.

There is also a kind of if an A and O's body are absolutely consistent, then when O is in estrus, even if the inhibitor is used, it will not be useful to A, and it will infect that A. The two pheromones hit it off, as if they are going to be XX on the spot. .

This kind of absolute coincidence is good for A, but for O there is really nothing to control, only mating-mating.

Transformed on the spot.

Chen Caixing looked stunned.

Of course, this probability is very small, O is rare, and A is even rarer. On Noda's planet, an absolute coincidence is impossible to meet casually. It also happens to be O estrus-estrus. but!

But the Royal Military Academy can be said to be the training base of A. The young and powerful A of the entire planet is here. This is definitely the place with the most planet A. Chen Caixing is not afraid of ten thousand but just in case, he went to the military academy to avenge Arnold.

But I don't want to be ridiculed when something goes wrong.

The glands still need to be cut. Chen Caixing's eyes were firm, thinking about secretly carrying Ji Qing on his back, and not telling Ji Qing when he was done, but he said, "Brother, I know there is another way without cutting the glands."

"Really? "

Ji Qing didn't cry anymore, she looked over, as if she saw hope in the end of cancer.

Chen Caixing felt that Ji Qing valued glands too much, but the best way to not cut them would be. He was cried out by Ji Qing.

"My brother, I said that my family is powerful and powerful. When I was in junior high school, I invested in a research institution to let them rush to solve the problem of O easily affected by pheromone when I was an adult. The glands were removed."

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