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A chill ran down my spine and I shivered slightly as Kenny uttered his last sentence.

"Ya cold, hon?" he asked his face gazing down at me, his eyes kind and concerned.

I shook my head slightly, as I studied the bed covers, avoiding his eyes.

" No matter. Come snuggle up here. I'll keep ya warm", he chuckled as he drew me closer into his chest and pulled the covers up around my shoulders, rubbing the top of my arm with his hand to warm my non-existent gelidity.

"So....In return for you condoning Krista's new identity and allowing the world to think that Rod's dead, he gave you the serum, then? You got what you wanted?" I asked, when I could finally trust my voice to speak; without shaking or accusation. Trying desperately to sound as nonchalant as possible, as if I were asking which coat he'd decided to wear; the black or the brown?

"Aaahh!" he sighed, his eyes knowing as he turned his body toward mine, placing his forefinger under my chin, tilting up my face to meet his own. The candlelight illuminated the edge of his bronze shoulder as he lay on his side, facing me; his countenance in shadow, but even so, I could feel his eyes penetrating mine, reading my thoughts. Reading my fear.

"Ya don' have ta worry, ya know", he reassured me, his face earnest as he addressed my unspoken fear.

Releasing my chin and returning to his former position, lying on his back, his free hand behind his head; he gave me a quick squeeze. Looking innocently up at our ceiling, his eyes barely containing their mirth he added, " After all, I didn' come home jus' ta give ya a quick one for the road....... Afore  I turned maself inta a titan!!", he finished, finally releasing his bubbling, barely contained laughter.

Reaching behind me for my pillow, l grabbed it, hitting him hard in the chest, half seriously, half in jest. Blocking the blow, he lost all self control and allowed his laughter to escape untethered, his eyes watering with tears of mirth.

"Aaawww, I'm sorry Owl. But ya 're jus' so much fun ta tease!" he managed ta say between his bouts of laughter. And grabbing me close he pulled me down to his chest, as he fought to regain some semblance of seriousness as his chuckles subsided.

I watched his face; his expression thoughtful and shrewd, as he recalled the events of the previous night and recounted them to me. His mind evaluating and weighing all the possibilities; checking and rechecking that his decisions had been the right ones.

With the exclamation of Rod's plea, that he would give Kenny anything he wanted, a slight triumphant smile had crossed Kenny's lips. Knowing that he was just moments away from a life long goal; Kenny had given his orders to his men; all were dismissed, bar six of them.
Two men were to ensure that Rod's child reached Wall Rose and they were to bribe certain favourable, trusted, members of the Garrison to admit the child into one of the many refugee camps where she would be lost and anonymous, and buy their silence.
Two men were dispatched immediately to report to Pastor Nick and the Church of the Walls with the information that a Reiss descendant lived; under the assumed name of Krista Lenz. They were to be instructed of her whereabouts and were to keep tabs on her movements at all times, in the event that should Paradise ever need the secrets of the Walls and the true history of Paradise revealed, or should a true Reiss be needed to retake the throne, that she, Krista Lenz could reveal her true identity; Historia Reiss. And save Paradise.
The remaining two men were to perform 'house-keeping' and remove all traces of Alma and all the evidence of what had occurred that night on Rod's estate.
Once he had given the orders and dismissed his men; Kenny and Rod climbed the steps that led into Rod's farmhouse in order to discuss the terms of Rod's surrender and the price of Kenny's silence.

TEN  YEARS, The Kenny Ackerman Story   BOOK TWO~ FUTURES,  by Melly O'HaraOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora