Chapter 33: The White Heron.

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Aether had always done his best to understand Ayaka. Everything that she spoke he interpreted clearly, he had been the same wavelength as her, if not that, then a similar one.

However he hadn't anticipated her to continue elaborating in her personal matters. Specifically her mother and Tsubaki.

"I think that Tsubaki... might be a fox enjoy!" Ayaka said with a someone determined, yet also uncertain tone.

She could say for sure, but she felt it was plausible.

Aether was rather stunned, by the possibility of Tsubaki being a...

"Fox Envoy?" Paimon repeated in a rather confused tone

"Yes. That's what I think." Ayaka said, cheerfully reinforcing her belief.

"You don't know anyone who can contact Tsubaki... do you?" Aether asked

"Even I, my mother's own daughter, had never even heard of this friend before. That is until recently... It seems so mysterious. So I think it must be someone with transcendent abilities who doesn't show themselves very often. And fox envoys are nothing new. Stories have been told about them in Inazuma since ancient times. You've most certainly must have met Guuji Yar before?"

"I wouldn't say that Pamimon and I have officially met Lady Yae, but we have conversed very briefly."

"Well, she's a fox envoy!" Ayaka exclaimed "That got me thinking, maybe there are fox envoys out there in Inazuma that people just don't know about... and maybe Tsubaki is one of them."

"Whoa!" Paimon chanted in amazement "... So Inazuma also has supernatural beings?"

"Uh, when you say 'also'..." Ayaka began to speculate

"Well, before Inazuma we spent time in Liyue. They have lots of supernatural beings there, like the adepti. All kinds of them, too... Up in the sky, down below the ground, in the water..." Paimon's memories  came like second nature, it was memories she had now grown quite fond of.

"Really?... I have come across such things being asserted in books, but to hear someone talk about it firsthand experience is extremely surprising... not to mention interesting." Ayaka said while attempting to contain the curiosity within.

Aether nodded his head "Take Ganyu for example. She is an adepti... well, sort of. She's half human and half adeptus, which is why she looks so different from most of the adepti. Anyways my point still stands... she can still do some pretty cool adeptus stuff, like creating powerful adeptul sigils."

Ayaka briefly looked up in the air, almost imagining the magic of Liyue itself.

"So, Liyue lives up to its reputation... its culture has a long history and gives rise to the most beautiful legend. Quite captivating."

Paimon smiled "You should come visit Liyue with us some time. The best part is... they have loads and loads of delicious  delicacies!"

Aether rolled his eyes at the once more, predictable statement.

Despite expecting Paimon to mention food, Aether didn't disagree with her at all. Nor would he mind sharing time with Ayaka in Liyue.

"Paimon is bias, but she isn't wrong. The food is really something else. They even hold a festival full of cooking competitions. It would be a great first time experience if you hadn't been to Liyue before." Aether said

"Really?" Ayaka's voice went up in a happy tune, almost in disbelief about the offer that laid before her.

Aether nodded his head "Yeah, We'd love to. Some much culture resides in just Liyue's food alone. It would be a shame to miss out... afterall, I haven't experienced it quite yet either."

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