Hallucination or Real? (Lucas's pov)

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"Cheers!" We all clinked glasses together.

Our table was the loudest. We all decided on getting barbecue after an exhausting week. This was what I needed: a night out surrounded by friends.

"I can't believe exams are actually over."

"Man, I thought it would never end."

I drank my shot and sighed. The smell of the barbecue clouded my thoughts and immediately my mind pulled me into a memory the morning after my first time with Eliott. The sight of him making breakfast for me in my kitchen. The way his face lit up when I walked into the kitchen. Him holding my face in his hands softly with that tender look in his eyes. Kissing me until I was gasping for breath and drowning in him. The smell of smoke when he had accidentally messed up the eggs because we were so distracted by each other.

How beautiful and sad that memory was. How bad it hurt me when I think of it now. How stupid I had been to think that it would last forever with him. He broke my heart and that's that. It had been months since the last time I saw him when I moved from France, but the pain still lingered. Sometimes I would feel numb from it, and sometimes it would just crept up on me suddenly like it did now.

Someone nudged me and I jumped, startled. It was my friend, Carlo.

"You should eat more." He told me and put more barbecue into my plate.

I smiled and thanked him. I pushed Eliott to the back of my mind. Tonight wasn't about him. Tonight was about having fun and celebrating with my friends. I need to relax and be more present.

I drank more shots and soon that familiar, drunk feeling was back. I wasn't too out of it yet but I was going to get there soon enough. After the barbecue place, we headed to a karaoke bar. This was going to be a long night...

After hours of singing and belting out notes off key, I stepped outside. It was getting stuffy and crowded and I needed some air. Besides I wanted to smoke. A habit I had acquired from Eliott. I shook my head and tilted my face up to the sky to feel the cold wind on my face. Why did everything I do reminded me of him? It was getting irritating. I lit my cigarette and puffed out a cloud of smoke. I leaned against the glass window and shut my eyes for a moment. Sometimes it was the quiet and cool moments like this that I cherished. I was slightly buzzed now but at least my head had stopped spinning. When I open my eyes, however, a tall figure approached me, wearing a huge brown jacket.

Huh. I tilted my head and peered at him. It was something Eliott would wear. In fact, he looked a little like Eliott. I leaned away from the wall and stared at him. His face blurred or was something wrong with my vision? When it cleared, I stared at him. He really did look like Eliott. I must be hallucinating or perhaps I was too drunk and high. Or maybe I've finally lost my mind. It could be one or all of the above. He was talking to me but I was far far away. All I could think was how much this guy reminded me of my first love and my first heartbreak. Perfect. I was in the mood for fun. He touched my shoulder and I lifted a brow. Was he flirting with me? Maybe this was what I should do right now. I needed a distraction right now. I needed this.

I grabbed the collars of his shirt and pulled him towards me. My lips crashed into his and I tasted his mouth. He was sweet. He gasped in surprise but didn't try to push me away or anything so I continued kissing him. My hands were clutching at his shirt too harsh now and I laced my arms over his neck. He was definitely at least a head taller than me. His hands pressed against my waist but not too hard but enough to know that he also wanted me. I whispered something and licked his ear. He shivered and sighed.

"Let's get out of here." I murmured. "Perhaps to your place."

I staggered in my steps but he righted me. For someone who I just met, he was quite nice. The next part was a blur and a rush as we stumbled up the stairs to his apartment or was it a hotel? I didn't even know anymore. He pressed me against a door and his mouth found my neck. I sighed and buried my face in his shoulder. His scent intoxicated me and it was weirdly the cologne that Eliott used to wear.

I pulled back from him and blinked rapidly, trying to really see and process him. He stared at me with those half-lidded eyes. His eyelashes were curled and beautiful and so were his eyes. My eyes widened. This really was Eliott. I'd recognized those eyes and that smile anywhere. I couldn't believe it. It really was him.

"Eliott?" i asked tentatively and he nodded.

"It's me, Lucas."

"Hmm," I murmured again and close my eyes. That voice. It was him.

I touched his face gingerly and his gaze never shifted away from me. It was intense. He had always watched me with such intensity. That hasn't changed. Maybe I've finally snapped. Or maybe it really was him but right now, my thoughts were jumbled and I was out of touch with my feelings and reality. All I knew right now was that I wanted him. All of him. I wanted a welcome distraction and he provided exactly that."

"Kiss me." I ordered.

He cupped my face and our mouths found each other. His hand slid to the door knob and we stumbled in together. I pushed the jacket off of him and he took off my shirt as I put my arms up. My arms found his neck again and I held him close. He pressed a kiss to neck and throat and I closed my eyes again. He lifted me up as if I weighed nothing and lay me gently on the bed. I sank a couple inches into the soft bed. He couldn't stay away from my body as he leaned down and I pulled at his shirt until he also took that off. We were both half naked now.

"I missed you so much, my love, you've no idea." He whispered into my ear and kissed the spot right below my ear. He still remembered every thing. Every part of me. Just like I do for him.

"Less talk and more action." I said breathily and pushed him down on the bed and I climbed on top of him.

I could feel how hard he was. How turned on, but right now I wanted control. I mouthed him down slowly. I could feel his every gasp, his every arch. Every part of him. He sat up on the bed and I straddled him. My arms hugged him tightly. His hands drifted to my thighs and pulled me closer until our chests were touching. Until I could feel him so much that I let out a moan. He smirked and I licked his mouth. That set him off because he flipped me over and pulled down my pants until I was lying bare. I fiddled with his belt until he too took off his pants. He kissed me hard. It was all teeth and tongue and passion and intensity. He stroked my chest and stomach and I squeezed his bum. Our hand were all over each other. It had been months since we saw each other after all. We were starved. We were served. We wouldn't be getting much sleep tonight.

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