Abbas Is My Master

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Abbas the master of flag bearers is my leader and none could be prouder

In camps of Hussain there was a voice heard
That said if you're thirsty come and ask
Ask him Abbas will never turn you down
Ask him who my grandfather Ali said is the moon of hashemites
Sakina came to Abbas
She said oh my uncle I'm thirsty in this land
Abbas said I will bring water and then she was assured

Abbas on his horse he was like lightning
Abbas on that day he was like Rassoolullah on mairaj
He fought the opponents like a lion
He got water for Hussain yet he never drank a drop
As he rode back the arms of abbas was to fall on the plains of Karbala
Try holding the flag of Islam with amputated arms
Only my master Abbas can do it
As he fell off that horse
The back of Hussain fell
As his last moan echoed in Karbala
Hussains back was now broken
How cursed are the archers whose arrows anchored in my masters eyes
How cursed are the swordsmen whose blades cut my masters arms off
For indeed Allah has replaced his arms with wings

Abbas the master of flag bearers is my leader and none could be prouder

Poetry About Ahlulbayt (A.S)Where stories live. Discover now