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red velvet

joy: i wanna be reincarnated as a lesbian in my next life cuz girls are cute
red velvet:
yeri: joy i hate to break it to you-

joy, recording yeri: me and my girl yeri here, bouta go scare the fuck outa some heteros
yeri, kicking down the door to a church: I LIKE BOOBS
someone: *shrieks in the distance*

any man: hey, what's your number?
irene: [ visibly texting ] i don't have a phone

yeri: if joy and i kissed but like as bros is that gay?
irene: why do you ask?
yeri: so i may have kissed joy but like as a bro-

yeri: you know, the different canadian species can be real aggressive, so it's important to take all necessary precautions when approaching
yeri: [ blows a air horn at wendy ] GET FUCKED

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